Multiple channels in a pass

Does the show air on HD and SD channels at the same time? The DVR will automatically prefer HD channels when multiple channels are showing the episode at the same time.

Another option is to click on the “xxx channels” link under your HDHR on the DVR Settings tab, and hide the SD channel. That way the DVR will never consider that channel for recording.

No they’re different seasons on each channel unfortunately!

I guess it’s unlikely to be needed that often, but it would be nice to have that extra control.

I see…

Another option is to add a “Tags == HDTV” condition on your pass. You can do so on the web UI, by clicking the dropdown button next to the pass and selecting Advanced.

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Just added that and it looks like thats going to work, thanks for your help!

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I’d like to piggyback with a similar question. The Chicago Cubs games air on two OTA channels. I set up a team pass for any channel and now see that there are sometimes replays of day games on a 3rd channel later at night. I don’t want to hide that 3rd channel, but I also don’t want two recordings of the same game every time. Any ideas?

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The DVR should not make two recordings of the same program/game. Does it show up on the Schedule twice?

Make sure that you select “New” on the pass, then the replay game will not be scheduled/recorded.

I have a related question. I have a formula 1 season pass.
Formula 1 has multiple parts - practice, qualifying and race.
Depending on the weekend, the race can be on ABC or ESPN or ESPN2, the qualifying on ESPN or ESPNU all of this can also be duplicated on the spanish channels. Without a filter, I get duplicate spanish and english.

I also have a bit of a situation I'd like to gracefully handle.

I put up a really good antenna and we get two NBC and ABC affiliates. Despite the good antenna, the out-of-market versions can sometimes get a little choppy (imagine!). Unfortunately, the DVR seems to want to prefer those channels.

I can hide them, but then I don't get to see them at all. Is there any way to adjust the priority of the channels so that it prefers the local affiliates when it has a choice?

If you favorite those channels on the DVR web UI, the DVR will always prefer to record from favorited stations.

You can also edit the pass on the web UI and specify a channel number to force recording from.

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I have the same issue or question. I have setup Passes to record all the games for the 2020 UEFA European Championship. However, channels found multiple channel numbers for the same channel. In my example most of the games are on ESPN HD and In my area ESPN HD is on channel 570 but Channels recorded the game on different channel which is 827 and the game wasn’t being aired on 827 therefore it never recorded the game as desired. I would like to be able to tell channels for example only record on specific channels for example 1and 2 instead of channels picking on it own which channel to record on. I hope that makes sense. I have also attached a screenshot as an example. Thanks.

Find the pass under DVR > Passes and click edit there and you can set the channel number

Well the issue is the game is on multiple channels (ESPNNews 572, and ABC 507) not ESPN HD only, hence why I want to be able to set multiple channels not only one.

Make it an advanced pass with multiple channels in INCLUDES: Advanced Passes: Multiple CONTAINS/EXCLUDES (prerelease)

This is an Example of my Prime time using multiple channels and multiple hours. Also excluding news and Sitcoms .. For Sitcoms I have individual passes to the ones I like.

Prime Time  

34 recordings scheduled
Tags == New
Channel CONTAINS 2.1
Channel CONTAINS 6.1
Channel CONTAINS 8.1
Channel CONTAINS 12.1
Channel CONTAINS 32.1
Time CONTAINS 10pm
Genres EXCLUDES News
Genres EXCLUDES Sitcom

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To confirm, I can use the following in advanced option to include all 3 channels to record from?

Tags == New
Channel CONTAINS 507
Channel CONTAINS 570
Channel CONTAINS 572

In your example you have 2.1, what does .1 means? Thanks.

Yes that is how you define multiple channels . The .1 that is what the OTA Broadcast channels are numbered in USA.

Ah ok. That makes sense. So I tried adding those conditions (e.x. Channel == 507) and I can't seem to add more than only one channel condition. Every time I hit Add, it overwrites the previous channel condition I create.

The "==" means only one value. You need to use CONTAINS.

EG this one, for my wife's stupid hallmark movies :slight_smile:



LOL. That worked and thank you soo much for all your help! You rock.