Multiple Locast accounts

How would this idea work if one has multiple DVR servers?
Separate Locast account for each.
Would in that setup, each DVR could use 4 stream each yes?\

Or does Locast detect streams not per account, but per IP address?

EDIT: Alternatively, I was thinking, since the Server tuner priority comes first for recording, I can set Locast as higher than the HDHR, so that, all my mothers soap and news recordings are done via Locast, and not OTA, to make much smaller file sizes. She often does 20GB a week worth of OTA files she wants to pull off the DVR and store on her laptop.

EDIT 2: Well, maybe not. I have Locast set as higher priority in the sever, but when i click record from the client device, it uses OTA. The client has OTA as higher priority cause I want to view the channel via OTA. I have Locast channels hidden on the client..maybe it is setting the record channel cause the OTA are set to favorite both on the server and client? That is how i have things filtered, only the channels I want to show in the guide marked as favorite. think i figured it out. Set both OTA and Locast to Fav, disable Locast as source in client(or un-fav each channel on client) so that only OTA show in the guide when in Fav mode. Live tuning to channel uses ota, and hitting Record button uses the server default, Locast.

Can anyone provide some assistance? I have the same question as @cculpepp.

I would recommend asking the question at the locast2tuner support site. This isn't a common situation for channels dvr users so no one may know the answer here.

+1 for locast2tuner. Works well - so far - relatively easy to setup and seems stable. The only issue I found is it does not output the m3u channel-id tag but this can be worked around. I've submitted a request to the developer to add the tag as well.

The dev on locast2tuner is very responsive - much like the Channels team is - and has already updated his code to include the channel-id tag.

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Are you using Docker on Windows? That would be my setup since I am already running two Docker sources, Pluto and Stirr. I am just wondering how much harder this is to set up before I dive in. I guess I should load the Docker locast2tuner service first? Or do I need to do something else first like add Rust? Thanks.

I run everything on an Ubuntu VM. The base hardware is a Dell 720 with 96GB of RAM, Dual E5-2660s and 24TB of disk space.

I really don't touch Windows so can’t say what you would need to run it other than what may be posted on the dev’s website.

@johnluber Question. I have this working except for the guide data via the xml. This is either multiplexed or just for a single zip. I set up http://ipaddress:6077/epg.xml in the custom url but channels doesn't import it. I tried leaving the channel numbers as-is as well as letting channels remap then. The only way I have gotten it to work was to do a single zip via the channels ui and choose a provider within channels, not the xml. Am i missing something obvious?

i submitted a PR a few weeks ago that put the gracenote station id into the m3u (so it should automatically pull the guide without needing the extra epg url)...the latest release is from earlier today so i'd imagine this should be baked in now.

look at the m3u from your locast2tuner instance and see if each channel has a tvc-guide-stationid value. if so, channels can get the guide data from that rather than needing a separate epg. here's the first channel in mine:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1075" tvg-id="channel.1075" tvg-name="CBS" tvg-logo="" tvg-chno="2.1" tvc-guide-stationid="19567" group-title="Los Angeles;Network", KCBSDT

you can set it to use the m3u as the guide as long as that tag is present for each channel (which, again, i think it should be as of new builds of locast2tuner)...see the X-M3U option at the bottom of the list:

Screen Shot 2021-08-18 at 3.34.33 PM

so I set the guide to the x-m3u and now the channels are identified without me having to set a zipcode and manually specify a provider. but I still don't get any data in the guide. I can use the zip code and just select a provider so its not that big of an issue

2021/08/18 19:50:44.357284 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-LocastSeattle in 0s
2021/08/18 19:50:45.310215 [DVR] Indexed 0 airings into XMLTV-LocastSeattle (0 channels over 0s) + 0 skipped [0s index]

are you sure the tvc-guide-stationid value is there in the m3u? it was just added recently so if you have an older build it might not be there.

So to follow up here. I had the wrong docker image, I guess there are some forks out there. It was causing my channels server to stop every so often. I got the right one and everything is good now. :blush:

Ok I take that back. The guide appears to work then it will not show any info after several hours. If I go into channels and refresh the guide info, everything populates fine. Any ideas? I guess I could not use the locast guide data and have channels pick it up by zip code...

Wait. Figured it out. I had to. Sync the source on my android app.and it works great now

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