Multiple Locast accounts


Add Source - Custom channels

OK, so what do I put in the x.x.x.x:6077 area? And do I have to download a .m3u file for locast somewhere?

The IP address of the computer that you installed locast2dvr on. The default port it broadcasts on is 6077. You could customize that if you want in the locast2dvr settings.

So basically I need to load locast2dvr on Python first then on channels?

It couldn't be easier. Install the locast2dvr docker image. Update the docker container with your locast credentials and the host IP address of the computer you're running Channels on. Enter at least one zip code. If you want to use multiple locations you can enter multiple zip codes. Then go into channels and enter the info I sent earlier. I choose to ignore the locast channel number and let Channels remap them. They will show up in the 9000's.

Downloaded Docker on trying to find the locast2dvr docker image..

(Just remember, locast2dvr has been discontinued by the developer, and is no longer being worked on. Therefore, if you run into problems, you're on your own.)

Ok Marino13, got the image loaded into docker so how do I get into the settings to enter zip codes and locast credentials?

locast2tuner is the new project so support shouldn't be a concern. The biggest difference is it does not use ffmpeg. This isn't necessary for using it as an m3u tuner in Channels anyway because it uses HLS.

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Not sure for your setup as I won't use Windows with anything in a home server environment. You need to edit the configuration however that is done in Windows docker. Look for an "edit" feature or a configuration file.

That was my point. The python-based project is not maintained, but the new rust-based one is.

There should be no reason to use the older project, as the new one has several improvements beyond active development. Especially for a user who had such a difficult time getting it running, lack of support for issues should be a strong reason to not recommend it.

I suppose I worded that wrong. I meant that the obvious choice would be to update to the new project since that is the current one.

Took a few tries, but got locast2tuner setup. Tried setting it up as HDHR device, but that didn't take so did it as m3u and works great. Should now be able to watch NFL games I previously didn't have access to since I don't live in that region :slight_smile:

@scottuf - I suffered through a few NFL games watching via Locast. It was bearable but not a pleasant experience since the resolution and refresh just isn’t there for live action.

What I ultimately did to solve for this was to sign-up for the streaming version of NFL Sunday Ticket which gives me access to all Sunday games across the league. In order to qualify for that you need a verifiable college email account; I happen to have children in college who’s info I can leverage. IIRC, the cost for this is $100 a season so not too steep for what you get.

Know anyone in college?

I'll look into it. Thanks for the idea.

Man I could never get this setup on my computer..too bad their wasn't a step by step guide how to do it.

I first got it setup on my RPi following the build instructions, but now it can be setup with apt. They've really updated the documentation on the github page.

What is apt?

I'm a complete novice when it comes to Docker, so please be patient with me (although I was able to get PlutoTV up and running). I got the locast2tuner image downloaded into Docker (Windows 10). What command do I use to get the container running?

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It’s a Linux command to install apps. If you don’t know then it’s not going to help.