Multiple users

As I continue my baby steps with HD Home Run and Channels I asked by daughter to get the hdhr app on her iPhone to see how it worked for her. This is to test things prior to spending money on the channels app as I plan to have multi TV’s and users.
I have two HDHR connects in my system but after she got the app on her phone the tuners were not recognized so she got nothing.
is this how it is supposed to work? I had the impression that any device in the house could see the Ota channels.
Does Channels handle this any differently?

Any device on the same subnet as the connects should see them. You could try adding the connects to the app manually by IP address. I have to do this as I keep phones on different networks from the IoT stuff in my house.

This is an option in Channels but not in the official HDHR app.

There is also the issue of that some routers place the wifi devices on a separate subnet than the LAN devices. Other routers will block traffic from the wifi interface going to the LAN (only allowing internet access). Others have a guest mode that only allows a wifi device to connect to the internet and not ANY other devices. Then you also get the devices that will not pass multicast traffic (needed for the HDHR software to discover the tuners) even if they are on the same subnet…