Multiuser DVR (Replace TiVos)

I've searched the Channels DVR section and could not find the answer I'm looking for. Any suggestions? I am moving from cable using TiVo Bolt units with CableCards to Channels DVR, HDHomeRun and a Philo subscription. We have two TiVo units in the house and each user has very different entertainment tastes. Is there a way to have two separate DVR folders under one Channels DVR subscription, or would two subscriptions be required (and perhaps two separate physical DVR setups) to accomplish this? I'd very much like to not have to sort through all of the recorded content of other family members. Right now everything is being combined on a 4TB Synology NAS. I'd like to have separate folders on that device if possible.

Thanks in advance,

There is no multiuser support. However, you can have multiple DVRs with a single subscription; the only caveat is that only a single DVR instance can have remote access enabled.

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Thanks @racameron. What you mention could work. I'm assuming "remote access" equals "out of home viewing". I would use it, but the other family member likely would not. Might there be any instructions in this forum to guide me with setting up multiple DVRs with one subscription? I'm still very new to all of this. -Rob

No extra guide needed. Just install on two different computers.

I would also recommend turning off bonjour/zeroconf broadcasting in the servers (from the Settings in the web UI), and instead input the servers' IP addresses directly into your client apps. This way you won't worry about a client connecting to the "wrong" DVR.

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Thanks again @racameron. Right now I have the Channels DVR Server installed on a Synology NAS, I guess I can get a second one, or maybe I'll try my hand at a Raspberry Pi 4 with external hard drive. This little project is getting expensive! :wink: Appreciate the help,

I have 2 separate Channels DVR servers.
They each run a separate pi4.
Got sick of my other user filling up the single DVR with nothing but soap operas and news, burring the few shows I record.

For sure, disable the sever bonjour/auto discovery on the servers you do not want the client apps to auto detect and connect to. That way you will have to input the exact IP address of the server you specifically want that client device to use. (also, be sure to set each server as a static ip/DHCP reserve in in your router, so that they do not change ip address on you).


Simplest way is to add another Channesl DVR server instance on your existing Synology NAS.
Install the Synology Docker package.
Install the Channels DVR Docker image and set it to use a different port, like 8189.
Also set it to use a different shared folder than the one you're currently using.

Your Channels DVR Server Synology package runs on port 8089.
The one in the docker container will run on port 8189 (or whatever port you choose).

I'm running 3 Channels DVR servers.
One in the Channels DVR Server Synology package.
The other two in docker containers.
They each point to their own recording and imports directories.


Docker is def the best way to run multiple servers.

Keep in mind that fast switching servers in the client doesn’t really exist. You’ll have to manually enter the IP and port everytime. But using two different devices can solve this.


Thanks @maddox. If I understand all of this correctly, I think this will help out too. I had not yet run across the Docker solution mentioned by @chDVRuser, but I'm really just getting started. In my home there will be 2 instances of Channels DVR on the same Synology NAS, each connected to their own Fire TV 4K Stick using a separate static IP address. Hopefully I'm following along correctly!

Your two Channels DVR Servers on your Synology will share the Synology NAS IP address but will appear on different ports.
Say your Synology is at IP address and you install the docker container at port 8189.
The Channels DVR running in the Synology package will be at
The Channels DVR running in the docker container will be at


I tried to install a DVR Docker on my synology ... in the registry I downloaded the image set the port started the container but I cannot access it. I guess I am missing a step. I am new to docker.

You set the port mapping wrong. You have 9089 going to 80. Instead, set 9089 to go to 8089. Port 80 is not used.


Thanks for your help much appreciated that was it.

Login appears to time out.... on the internal docker ip.

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Most likely it's running on the docker bridge network, see my post and tmm1's reply here

In my case I had to change the url it gave me


Thanks that was it.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to assist me... much appreciated.


Using Docker can I do the same (2 DVRs) on a Mac mini M1?

Docker is working but is there a way to tell it to record to a Shared folder on the NAS ? .. so the Recordings can be accessed by other APPS.

Edit figured it out you can add the path and mnt it when you create the container.

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Why are my Synology Dockers showing the wrong time ... Timezone
UTC ... Yet the DVR on the same synology no docker is showing Timezone

Have you passed the container your time zone?

… -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles …, for example?

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on docker run command line
--env TZ=America/Los_Angeles
or using Synology Docker to edit