NAS Synology Tutorial?

Bought a HDHomerun and NAS Synology DS220+. Installed the Channels software into the NAS and Channels where to save the recordings, but only VM shows on my mac. Not sure how to proceed or if there is a tutorial. Please help. Thanks!

I tested getchannels on an external hardrive and it zoomed, but having trouble with the NAS

You need to go into Synology DiskStation and make a new share called DVR. Then you should be able to pick that during setup for saving recordings.

I did that, the issue is I could not find it in my network, restarted and installing it now. Feeling confident it will work now. Hopeful it will, and your product is dope AF!!!!!!

Is there any way to download the recordings off the NAS Synology?

They’re just files in the directory you chose to save them at.