NBC - Could not fetch playlist error

As of the last few days, I can’t tune NBC anymore and instead get an error that it couldn’t fetch the playlist. Is this related to some channels changing the way they stream, or simply a temporary issue?

Thanks :blush:

Hard to say without diagnostics

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Should I send log files from the server or diagnostics from the client device? Also, should I PM them or email to support?

Thanks :blush:

On the dvr web UI, Support > Troubleshooting > Submit

Done. Thank you :+1:t2:

Looks like the error is "504 Gateway Time-out"

This appears to be NBC shutting off their old streaming servers in favor of the new ones which are unfortunately not compatible.

See NBC Sports RSNs: Stream Not Available - #5 by tmm1

Thanks for investigating. What a bummer, I hope this isn’t a new trend with TVE…


Well that sucks it's the only reason I pay for this thing