NBC Today show Pass not recording Saturday's

I setup a recording Pass for the Today show on NBC (5.1 in Seattle area) which starts at 7am for 120 minutes Monday-Friday. On Saturday it airs at 4:30am for 90 minutes. The Saturday showing does appear in the Pass list but it is not queued for recording. I can't create a new Pass as it exists in the current Pass. I can manually select record for it in the Pass but no way to enable this for all Saturdays.

I checked the advanced option on my DVR server for the show and it does list Saturdays as a matched episode but it is not queued for recording. How can I fix this?


Do you have record all selected or recorded new? If it's set to new, change to all and see if that works.

It was set to record New episodes. I changed it to All episodes but I can see the Saturday episode still isn't queued but is included in the Pass. I deleted the Pass and created it again with All episodes as well to no avail.

The funny thing is, the one Saturday (next Saturday) episode I previously set to record manually within the Pass, since it wasn't queued by default, is now set to record when creating a new Pass, regardless if it's set to New or All, but the Saturday after that still isn't set to record. That Saturday is the last day available in the guide.

I discovered this issue as the 4:30am episode didn't record this morning. I just purchased my HDHomeRun Flex 4K a few days ago, didn't like their UX so purchased Channels which has a much better UX. Finding bugs though which is annoying, hopefully not enough to upset my wife. The HDHomeRun picture is much better than what I was using before, which was the Fire Recast.

It looks like someone else had a similar situation as you


I did find that thread prior to posting, it's not quite the same. My Saturday showing is tagged as New, but not included in the Pass. Adding Saturday and all other days to the advance time doesn't help, the episode is listed in the Pass but not queued for recording.

The reason the 4:30am show next week kept showing up queued for recording when I deleted the Pass and created a new Pass is that it was treated separately. When deleting the Pass, that single recording was still listed. Deleting that recording now shows the same pattern when breathing a new Pass for the show, regardless if I mark it as All shows or just New shows.

I do appreciate your help!

Another observation: if I set the Pass to only record at 4:30am via the advanced settings for that Pass on the server, then and only then does the two Saturday episodes show queued for recording. It's the only two shows in the Pass, but there are queued. As soon as I add another time, (7:00am) to the same Pass in the same advanced settings, then the Saturday shows are no longer queued for recording, but the weekdays are.

Hopefully someone else has an answer for you, but you may have to set up two separate passes to get them to record. I am no expert, so there could be a better solution available.

That's exactly what I was just trying to do, setup two different passes... But it doesn't appear I can, the 7am M-F showing is included in the same series as the Saturday 4:30am showing. It seems impossible to create two separate passes. If I could create a duplicate Pass, I could change the advanced settings to capture the other episodes as a workaround. But doing so it's currently eluding me.

I figured out how to duplicate the season pass. Tldr still didn't work 100%

On the Channels server, you can create a new advanced rule outside of the passes created. I choose the same SeriesID and set the time to only be 7:00am (I updated the existing pass to be the 4:30am showing). This almost worked. Now the weekdays are recording EXCEPT Fridays aren't queued. Similar to how the Saturdays weren't queued before.

Oh boy this is fun. :confused:

Doesn't this work for you?
It does for me.

That's exactly what I have but the Saturday showing for me is at 4:30am and not queued.

Looks like your Friday 7am is the same Season and Episode as your Saturday 4:30am. That's why.

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Oh wow, thanks for pointing that out. I guess I need to complain to my local station they are duplicating the Saturday episode #.

Thank you, this was driving me nuts!

One more little nit, why doesn't specifying All episodes not work, same outcome, Saturdays are skipped...

All doesn't really mean All, it just means New and not new.
Channels DVR won't re-record something it already recorded.
I wish there was a [New_only/New_and_reruns/Everything], like TiVo has.

Your 5.1 KINGDT listing

My NBC Cable listing

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You're probably correct about it being a station issue. My pass for the Today Show records all episodes of "Today" including Saturday's.
(I'm sure you already know that Sunday's Today With Willie Geist is a different series and a different pass.)

Yup, I sent a request to king5 about this issue. I wasn't even aware there was a Sunday version of Today lol.

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