Need help creating an epg

I created a channel for Infowars but I didn't have guide data. Here is the text I used for the channel and it works.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="INFOWARS" channel-number="49" tvc-guide-stationid="49060" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="INFOWARS" tvc-guide-title="INFOWARS" tvc-guide-description="INFOWARS" tvc-guide-art="",INFOWARS

I researched the schedule and decided to attempt to creat my own XML but I can't seem to get it to work. Here is my .XML. I had AI write it for me.

Pictures show the XML.

I saved it as infowars_channel.xml saved it on the server (Linux). In source for guide the address I used is /home/Joe/downloads/infowars_channel.xml.

This my first time trying to make guide data and I am not sure what I'm doing wrong or how to troubleshoot

If you are providing a tvc-guide-stationid tag in the playlist, why do you need to create an XMLTV file for the guide. That tag maps the channel to a known channel/guide, and Channels will automatically map it for you.

Thank you. I copied that from an example on creating a custom channel using an m3u8. I am not well versed only tinker. I didn't know what the line tvc-guide-stationid="49060" was for so I left it alone. I have since taken it out and it still doesnt work only now it just says infowars across all time slots.

You misunderstood what @racameron said. :wink:

What you need to do is leave the tv-guide-stationid tags in the M3U. With this information in the M3U, Channels DVR will be able to pull in the guide data directly for each channel (as long as the channels are all known by Gracenote).

But the other thing you also need to do for all this to work is NOT to provide an XML file for the EPG. So make sure you leave the EPG field empty in the custom channel.

It should work this way. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you don't see it work right away after making the change, you may have to refresh the guide by fetching guide updates.

@mjitkop based on the response, I believe the guide tag was carryover from copypasta. AFAIK, Gracenote does not maintain guide data for Infowars, so an XMLTV would be necessary.

@Joseph_Lee the channel IDs may need to match, including case sensitivity. Your playlist has it in all caps, and your guide is using lowercase. Also, instead of relying upon the internet to create your guide and hope it's correct, go through it with the XMLTV spec open to ensure that everything is actually correct. (Element tags properly closed, all required attributes and elements present, etc.)


Can only find one Gracenote stationId for Infowars. If the Gracenote stationId 97069 doesn't provide correct guide data using tvc-guide-stationid="97069" in your m3u text, then you will need an XMLTV source.

    "type": "Satellite",
    "name": "Infowars Network",
    "callSign": "IWN",
    "stationId": "97069",
    "bcastLangs": ["en"],
    "videoQuality": {"signalType": "Digital","videoType": "SDTV","truResolution": ""}