Need help setting up EPlusTV docker container

It works, I renamed it to SECPLUS instead of EPlusTV. as it wouldnt let me do the same name

What am I doing wrong? Are there no live events?

It says this is on


I did this one

docker run -p 8000:8000 --name SECPLUS -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPN3=TRUE -e SECPLUS=TRUE -e ACCX=TRUE -e FOXSPORTS=TRUE m0ngr31/eplustv:latest

I only wanted SEC+/ACC-X/FOX4k/ESPN3

I don’t know what events are currently on as I don’t have those channels. I do have the fox though. Do you have a Rutgers at Penn state to try. I know that one is playing right now on fs2

I have nothing showing up.

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Were you prompted to login to espn or your cable provider to get the stations?

Yes. I did that process. But maybe I need to do it again
How do I remove all containers/docker stuff

How do I remove or whatever? now I cant run my other one it says there is a conflict. What if I have to reboot?

I appreciate the help guys I am really lost.

Is there a good way to start from scratch?

Trying to find /EPlusTV and /SECPLUS

do I use powershell or docker?


I tried deleting docker app data there ^

I am on the discord . If someone wants to message me I will send you some cash if you can remote in and solve this issue :\

I just downloaded and installed docker . I have not used it . just powershell

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docker container rm -f EPlusTV
docker container prune
docker storage prune

Highly suggest docker container --help or really any docker --help but I have a feeling you wont.

Please consider deleting all of this noise from the thread when you are done because it is now near impossible to use it for the actual purpose it was intended.

If you are GUI inclined:

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Again... follow the directions as written and stop trying to deviate and then asking for help. The instructions work, follow them

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  1. Open File Station. Create eplustv folder in your docker folder.
  2. Open up Docker/Container Manager.
  3. Open registry and use search box for “eplustv”
  4. Select image and download.
  5. Go to image section and highligt advanced.
  6. Select your docker/eplustv folder.
  7. Create other folders (GITHUB Instructions)
  8. Put your port info in.
  9. In environment section, put your dependencies. GITHUB Instructions
  10. Run.
  11. Logs to authenticate.
  12. 5 minutes max

I will try it again and then delete my posts. For some reason it hasnt prompted to log in again so I will rinse and repeat

docker container rm -f EPlusTV
docker container prune
docker storage prune

This helped to delete the info, though it hasnt prompted to log back in to fox/espn. will rerun everything and hope it works. the guide is confusing as it doesnt have the true and false prompts I need to run everything.

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You type each variable in their respective boxes in and hit add

I cant find out how to login to espn/fox did it 3 times. I am willing to pay someone to help please.

I am closer

Dont have ESPN+ how do I skip this step

Hopefully I got it this time

Relogged in still broken sadly. Says I am not authorized even though I logged in just fine.

What were you trying to watch? I see Fox Sports. What channels does your provider have?

I reauthorized.

This still bugs out unless I use powershell

I dont have ESPNPLUS. I set it to false.

docker run -p 8000:8000 --name EPlusTV -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPN3=TRUE -e SECPLUS=TRUE -e ACCX=TRUE -e FOXSPORTS=TRUE -e ESPNPLUS=FALSE m0ngr31/eplustv

I have everything. FOX sports, ACCX, SECPLUS, ESPN 3

You need to open the logs. You don't have to use powershell. The Logs will give you the same thing. Do you follow the directions and go to Fox sports and login?