Need help with Non-Docker source for PlutoTV

I'm having a devil of a time with Pluto. I've tried the M3U & EPG at nocords.xyv and I get 403s for all channels, on multiple devices, and across VPNs. Someone suggested there was something wrong with my config, but couldn't give me any idea of where to start. I'm very new to IPTV and could have done something wrong, but I'm literally just putting in URLs.

I could really use some ideas about where to look or things to try.

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Show us a screenshot of your source configuration so we can check it. The more information we have the easier it will be to help you figure it out.

Not unreasonable, but literally all I did was create a config in IPTV Simple Client, name it, enable it, and type in the URLS for the playlist and EPG. This is with both and If there si some additional config that's necessary, I don't know what that is.

I'd have to paste dozens of screenshots to get all of every page of every option under the config. The above is literally all I did.

I'm not sure how we are supposed to help you when you are not even using Channels. I have no idea what program you are actually trying to input to so have no idea how to help.

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What he means is your Custom M3U Source Settings in Channels DVR.
That's what this Community Forum is about.
If you're not using Channels DVR, you most likely won't find help here.