NESN - Not Working

It looks like there's no way to Link your TV Provider at their site anymore. Everything is asking you to login to your NESN 360 account there. Including when you click the Sign in link to sign in with your TV Provider.
Already have NESN as part of your TV package? Sign in with your TV Provider.

Sorry chDVRuser, I'm a bit confused. Does this help with streaming NESN on Channels? If so, how? Thanks.

Yes, It's how Channels DVR TVE works. You need to read up on it.
It acts as a proxy for you, going to the networks live streaming websites and linking your provider to get the stream you watch/record in Channels.
If you can't do it from your browser, Channels DVR can't do it either.

Makes sense. Thanks. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the solution in my case. I am logged into NESN 360 in Safari on the Channels server and on my remote Mac, but Channels still can't record or play on my Mac Mini Channels server or from a client.

Which NESN website did you Link your Provider at?
Channels DVR pulls from a Network website using TVE credentials (Link my Provider).
If it requires a separate NESN login, it won't work with Channels DVR.

My TVE source for this Verizon FIOS, which includes NESN, and all the other non-NESN streams are working fine. Short of having some other m3u list that includes NESN or an actual m3u8 NESN stream address, I don't know how to do this. Is there somewhere you can point me to where I can read up on this?

When the recordings fail, I get one of two messages:

"Failed: could not start stream on channels=[6163]: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 404 Not Found"


"Failed: could not start stream on channels=[6163]: TVE Stream Temporarily Unavailable"

When attempting to watch live from the guide, it also fails -- but with this message:

"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."

I'm guessing it's possible that NESN has just decided to not support TVE by not publishing their stream. They're not particularly consumer focused.

Thanks for being so helpful, but I understand if you're out of ideas or time.

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As far as how it works with Channels DVR, read this post

If a network website doesn't surface a way to link your provider to watch it live, then Channels DVR TVE cannot access the live stream.

Seems to be the case here.
I stopped using CDVR TVE and never had NESN, but had Xfinity TVE and Fubo TVE in the past.

It looks like you now have to go to the NESN website and create a new NESN account USING EMAIL AND PASSWORD with them BEFORE you can link with your provider. Their website does not directly allow you to link to provider the way other TVE stations do, even though there is a “link with provider” link - it prompts you to create an account first.

That seems to be where things are getting hosed with channels. I didnt bother to set up an account with them, as I dont really watch NESN, but you could give it a try and then link to your provider. Then see if you can live stream over a browser. Then please let us know here on the forum if channels picks up the stations again - then perhaps the developers can put in a fix if possible.

Didn’t seem to work for me.

Curious if after you created the new NESN account, were you able to link to your provider on the website?

Or was it that channels didnt pick up the NESN feed?

Yes, that's exactly what it requires now. You create a NESN account and then link on their site by logging in to your provider. Once you do that you can watch through a browser or on the NESN app. I still can't get it working in TVE since this change though. Going to try a few more things.

Our TVE feature doesn't support additional user/pass, just the cable provider login.

Now that NESN is requiring additional login, it's not going to work. I will remove it from our lineup.


Noticed that NESN was removed, but NESN+ is still in the lineup?

That one also requires the user to create an account as well.

With the NESN 360 app installed on an Android TV device, could ADBTuner pull in the two live feeds of NESN and NESN+?

Maybe NESN+ will be removed when CONtv is removed Con tv 6753

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Is there a future world where Channels might have functionality to allow a user to login with a user/pass to a specific TVE destination?

Maybe even something where a browser window does the login, and then Channels can save that for future use?

(I'm obviously spitballing here because I haven't dug into the "how" myself. Mainly I'm just asking if this is a hurdle that y'all might spend some energy attempting to solve at some point).

There's nothing planned beyond what's available using Custom Channels + Chrome Capture for Channels

D'oh! I keep forgetting to finish setting that up. That's really the answer, isn't it?

There's also EplusTV

I've set up Chrome Capture and am using NESN (and NESN+) with it, but somehow it launches NESN into full screen while leaving NESN's header bar there.

When watching NESN "manually" in my browser there's no way I can find to get it into this state. It starts in a window with the header, but still seeing the full video below it:

Or it goes into full screen where the header bar disappears, of course.

Any ideas? I figure you might've sorted out the right way to do this back when NESN was functional in Channels. Maybe there's a different/better URL to use?

And thank you!

(I've also added this to the cc4c thread Chrome Capture for Channels - #1970 by DaveTheNerd )