Network Drive

I want to use a network drive to store recordings. I can't seem to figure out how to set that up. I tried entering the IP address, but no luck there. Can someone give me some detailed instructions please.

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I would be nice to know what operating system you are using as each OS has different way to access shares....

I am using a PI. Fairly new to this thus the not understanding part.

However, quite by accident I figured it out. I had to click the Samba and create the share first. Be nice if there was something easy to find in the instructions to do this.

Thanks for responding.

It's in the documentation. Check it out just in case you missed any other good tips:

That is not clear that you have to do that to use the network drive as the primary dvr storage. It talks about sharing with others, but nothing about having to do that to use the network drive as primary storage.

That's because that setting is for sharing your filesystem across the network, not mounting a network share. The purpose of the DVR image is to use the drive it's installed on as your storage.

I don't believe that image has the ability (at least, not easily) to use a network share as your primary storage. To do that, you would need to do a proper OS install.

(Based upon your comments I am making the assumption you are using the DVR image, and not installing Channels into an existing OS install.)

I used the PI DVR image and flashed to a USB drive. Not a very big one as that was all I had and didn't want to buy another one. Thus the idea to store any recordings on my network drive. Which the instructions indicated I could do. Just wasn't clear as to how to do that.

When I was trying to set it up I noticed the option to select a share. But when nothing showed up there, is when I got to looking further. Just on a whim I did the Samba share and viola it worked.

Maybe it's clearer to others as to how it should be done, just wasn't to me.

Ah, recording to a network drive is generally not suggested, hence we don't really document how to do it.

Selecting a share for use with imported/local content is there and supported. But, as mentioned above, recording directly to a network share is not advised. You can attach an additional drive and use that your primary storage.

If you are truly bent on using a network share, you need to:

  1. SSH in to the Pi
  2. Create the mount point for the share
  3. Mount the share

Ideally, 2 & 3 would be combined into a single step with a .mount or .automount unit.

Don't see why that would be needed. I just enabled the Samba, found my drive, and created a share. I was then able to select it as my primary DVR. And it works.

Things must have change since I last looked into this myself. I'm glad you got it working in your case.

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