New Antenna

I was on the fence buying a new antenna, but I picked up this model and put it in the attic. So happy I did. Antennas Direct ClearStream 4MAX.

I tried a few variants of indoor antennas and even tried some right outside my window, but with subpar results. The problem in my neighborhood is that most homes have aluminum siding and this tends to block RF signals. Getting the antenna mounted above the siding was a huge help--I'm seeing 100% signal strength on local stations, plus pulling in some stations from the next city, all without an amp. 78 channels in all, including 14 HD.

Love our Channels DVR so far.

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Cool. Thank you for the recommendation.

I will be moving in a couple of months and I will finally be in an area where I can get OTA. However, my wife doesn't want an "ugly antenna" on the roof so I will also try an antenna in the attic.

It's nice to have your experience so that gives me an idea what to try.

How far are you from the main tower for your local stations?

Also, I see that the antenna is at an angle, not vertical. Why is that? Just asking so that I can educate myself. :wink:

After a second look, maybe the angle is a matter of perspective. I can't take tell because it doesn't look like the picture was taken "straight". If you can confirm. :slightly_smiling_face:

Same--my wife doesn't want ugly antennas or cords. The hardest part of the job was feeding the cable down the wall, where I bring it through a coax faceplate cover behind the TV.

The stations we watch most are within 25 miles, N/NE. I'm also getting some stations from the south, up to 50 miles away. By orienting the antenna slightly off north I get good reception from both directions. There is one Canadian station to my east that doesn't come in well but we seldom watch it, so no problem there.

The closest stations are all coming in with a 90-100% signal strength on a clear day. I'll have to wait to see how it does in a thunderstorm.

My antenna is vertical, the camera angle was not. That's why it appears off vertical.


Thank you for providing the numbers. Now I have more data to compare with my situation.

Based on your experience, this is very promising. :slightly_smiling_face:
Of course, my experience will be greatly affected by my physical location but there is hope. :smiley:

I have had great results with the ClearStream 2V that sits next to the TV in my bedroom and pulls in all my locals really well.

Glad that's working for you. It might have been enough for me if my home didn't have metal siding, which works almost like a Faraday cage. I can get signal from an indoor antenna but it is weak.

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