New Apple TV 4K - Collections Not Working in Guide

Upgraded main TV to the new Apple TV 4K (Front Room in pic). I have the server setup to only display one custom collection in the Guide across all TVs in the house. This still works fine in the old 4K version (Basement in pic) and the non-4K version. On the new 4K version, the Collection setting is ignored in the guide and the "All" group is displayed. Updated the server to the latest prerelease and still not working.

Collections works for me with the new apple tv, but i got the new testflight beta minutes before using it

My collection settings also came over as expected on the new Apple TV.

Anything else that I can try?

Are you sure it is a global setting?

Does v4.5.4 work on Basement? That's one difference between the two in your screenshot.

4.5.3 worked on Basement. Upgraded Basement to 4.5.4 and have same issue. Logs have been submitted as **f015112d-9dd8-4407-999f-d6d6f9af4774.

My collection is named "Faves". It shows correctly on the "On Now" section and other TV with 4.5.3.

Try restarting the app on the new Apple TV?

Can you screenshot what your settings are and what you're seeing on both TVs?

Restarted new 4K and the host (Mac Mini). No change. Went to client and changed the default collection locally even though set at the server. All is resolved but odd that I was able to control server side previously.