New ATV Beta: Re-designed Recordings tab! (+ new TestFlight)

Does refresh fix it?

Nope, but when I watch an unwatched show, it decrements.

Mine also shows (and has shown since implementing the hide feature) a number bubble with no detail on right. Haven’t noticed any ill effects on either tvOS or web ui. I just ignore it.

The count shows unwatched shows instead of up next, since they used to be the same (before hiding was implemented.)

Fixed for next build.

Why would the unwatched flags disappear on the ATV? None of my unwatched shows(4) have them.

Also, the popcorn icon is back. What triggers it on/off on the recordings screen?

The Recordings tab drops down to a simplified form when you only have a few recorded shows. This is what you are seeing. Once you have more than 4 shows, the expanded view is used.

This has been removed and in the future it won’t show up. All that will be used is the expanded view you saw when you have more than 4 different shows.


I like the new view for recordings! Would it be possible to exclude certain shows from Up Next? For example shows like the local news and late night shows like The Tonight show I don’t really need to be pointed to watching, I’ll watch them whenever. Series TV shows are great for Up Next as its a quick way to catch up on series based shows you watch on a weekly basis. Just a thought :slight_smile:

Yes, see New ATV Beta: Re-designed Recordings tab! (+ new TestFlight)

great thanks! Also I noticed when the more option pops up its blank with no picture, having … as an icon would visually make it look better, right now it looks like something didn’t load correct. Thanks again

I’m not sure which option you’re talking about

The square in the bottom right corner

Also I don’t see a settings option on the Recordings Tab. I see if you click Unwatched it shows Recent/Name on the right, but I don’t see a settings option to hide shows from Up Next from the web interface.

You need to click into the Show you want to hide, then click the gear dropdown.

Up I found it, thanks

Or even something this simple would do

A post was merged into an existing topic: Beta testing next Apple TV release

Is this still in progress? At the moment it shows a simplified form, but it’s the less useful one without the purple numbers. For some reason I interpreted what you said as we would see either a) the expanded view always, or b) a simplified view that is just the version with the purple numbers…

Yes, planned for the next tvOS release.

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v2.1.34 is available in the App Store today with the new consistent styles regardless of how many shows you’ve recorded.