New ATV Beta: Re-designed Recordings tab! (+ new TestFlight)

A brand new ATV beta is now available, with a totally redesigned Recordings tab!

NOTE: Our existing ATV beta TestFlight app broke, so we've had to start a new one. If you previously joined the beta, you will need to request a new invite. Delete the old app before installing the new one from TestFlight.

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I feel like I’m complaining here, but I have a question. I don’t mean any offense to anyone.

Are there any plans for a simplistic “list view” without thumbnails (similar to a TiVO or traditional cable dvr interface?

I’m probably in the minority here, but I feel having to scroll through thumbnails just introduces additional clutter where none is needed.


Feedback on the new Recordings layout from my family is very positive. Love having the number of unwatched episodes in the corner of the artwork.

Being a bit nit picky but would rather not have to scroll down to see the “Up Next” heading when first landing on the Recordings tab.

Otherwise, very nice update!

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Looks interesting, but any chance we can get a setting option to remove the Up Next section? I know I’ll never use it. For example, some shows (such as the Late Show) I want to watch the most recent recording, but other shows I want to watch the latest. Other shows I record all episodes and pick a random one to watch. There’s no way Up next is going to be useful for me.

Also, I only have Recenty Recorded section as I don’t record any of the other categories. Having a single category display only 2 rows with a “More” button just adds unnecessary clicks. In this case it may make sense just to show all rows and avoid the “More” button.

Thanks for all the hard work!

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You can set the order that you watch a show in on the web admin. Navigate to the show in the Recordings tab, and click the settings button and you can toggle between Watch Newest First and Watch Oldest First. This will sort them differently for you so the newest will always be in Up Next. This is useful for shows like The Daily Show.

You can also remove shows from Up Next completely in the same settings section.

We know this is hidden and it stinks, but we plan on bringing these options to the Apple TV side soon.

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Thanks for the suggestion - I’ll give that a try.

Ok. I am glad to see the Popcorn button gone. I like the purple flags with episode count. Nice job! I am amazed at how you keep making it better.

This is my favorite version of this screen so far, so if this is what we roll with, I’m fine.

But, I am with those that don’t care for the Up Next. Looking at my screen, the up next and recently recorded are identical. I basically never record movies, and I delete everything after I watch it.

I would like to see the episodes in oldest-newest and the oldest first and selected. I don’t have many that have multiple episodes, but when I do I generally watch them chronologically. I know that’s what up next is for, but it feels redundant. It would only be one button press more and the redundancy would be gone.

I think most apps that do episodes like this this start with the oldest. I’m bored with “Blindspot”, but if I pick it up again, it’ll be at the oldest. Also, Big Bang doesn’t even show in my “up next” despite having an unwatched episode recorded today. It may be a repeat, but it is up next I. That series to me.

Guess while I was writing Maddox made some suggestions, I will look into that too!

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Thanks for the post. I was able to effectively remove “up next” via the web interface.

Unfortunately, as you mentioned, setting the order of oldest-newest only works on the up next. (Which i just removed! I know, rite!?don’t smack your forehead too hard, I’m an old man set in my ways :slight_smile: ) It would be nice to sort the series screen with oldest first too.

Well I think the new recordings tab is awesome. I like it the way that it is, making good use of the space on the screen. Everything is easily accessible.

The test flight invitations don’t appear to be working. (Thought they were automated…?)

I would like to see the same thing. I get confused on this screen without a list view.

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Thank you very much. I love the top shelf when it shows what is on right now. My family greatly appreciates this change which was easy to do. Thanks again!


Thanks. There was a bug preventing invites from going out but it should be fixed now.

I just got my invite.

I do like the new layout for recordings. Of course, for the last month I’ve not had any shows in the “What’s Up Next” category (due to the earlier installed choice of capability to hide “Up Next”) which has made it very easy to pick from Top Shelf “On Now” only (very important to us) and now the Recently Recorded (shows) top level line up suits us superbly. The number of shows is a nice touch and aligns with the web ui.

As a side note, both the old and new ATV views of “New Movies” lines up incorrectly…web ui is fine but ATV isn’t, both on top level and Recently Recorded. Doesn’t really bother us as we record lots of movies and mostly use the detailed (More) view based on the “Alpha” sort.

Additionally, Air Disaster shows (Smithsonian) do not line up the same in the web ui and ATV. As the broadcast station sometimes uses SxxExx and other times ?original air dates…it will always be a bit off. Not a problem as each is a separate show and not sequential episodes.

Noticed the 90 day expiry on TestFlight…is this the new norm?

I totally agree, however, if you only have Movies in “Recordings” (not for you obviously) then that icon is still there. Would rather see that screen bypassed with a direct connect into the Movies detail with the two sorts, Recently Recorded and Alphabetically.

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I’m not sure what you mean by “line up”?

may I request an invite to get beta app??

Click the link in the OP

Sorry for being unclear. Display order. Recently Recorded is not in the same order on ATV as Web.