New Blog & Videos

:wave: hey everyone!

Today we launched our new blog, which is basically the News section of our site that we expanded to support a wider variety of content. We're planning on lots of written posts about some of our coolest features like Server Side Settings, Channel Collections, Virtual Channels, etc.

Along with the written posts, we'll be doing videos for them as well. We're hoping having some video content will make it easier to show how some of our features can improve your Channels experience as well as educate those that don't use Channels in how awesome it can be!

Read more about it here:


Hey! We also just added comments to the blog. They're powered by Discourse, so you'll already be signed in if you go to make a comment. Each new blog post will have its own topic automatically created. They won't be visible until the first comment shows.

So free to use these new topics to comment on our happenings. :tada: