New Channels Collection Not Showing Up

Just created a 3rd Channel Collection to add to the two I already have. Added it to my Global Client Server Side. It's not showing up on any of my devices. I'm only able to see the original 2 in On Now and Guide.

Just wondering if I overlooked or missed a step (???)

You can either set the server side globally or by client. My guess is that you have a client level setting that is overriding the global setting.

My global serting — four lists selected:

My client side setting. Only one list selected. So on this client only one list is available

Have you tried force quitting the app and relaunching it?

I've tried that. I even went as far to uninstall & reinstall. Didn't work

What's the name of the channel collection?

As far as I can tell, my settings are global. T least when setting up Collections, both categories showed up right away - on all devices. So I would assume my settings are global.

I'll check again. Thanks

Samsung STIRR
Was playing around with setting both up & combined the two.

here's how it looks

Is favorites the one that’s not showing?

There’s an issue with android when using the same name as the built in Favorites in the app.

Rename yours and it will work.

Favorites and Sports show up fine. It's the Samsung STIRR that won't show up.

Not to be a dog with a bone but I think the issue might be in the “Clients” settings. In the web admin under “Clients” you can configure stuff both globally and at the individual client level. It’s confusing, but the client level settings win. Don’t worry. I won’t bring this up again if it isn’t it.

Still a pretty casual Channels user with a basic understanding. I can kind of noodle around & figure some stuff out (usually by accident)

It is a bit confusing - but worth looking into. Couldn't hurt to give it a go. Thanks

Think I just figured it out.

You were right about the client side aspect. I went in & added the new channel collection to each client. Not ideal, but it worked.

I assumed that the new channel collection would automatically populate to my clients when I added it on the server side.

For whatever reason(s) it didn't.

My thanks

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I so hate it when I'm wrong. But I love it when I'm right! Woohoo! You can't see me but I'm doing the Cabbage Patch. :man_dancing:

Seriously though. I think if you delete the client level settings on the server, then the global settings should propagate to the clients. If that doesn’t, please report the bug.

Client settings always win. And there’s no merging. It’s either the client setting or global setting. There’s no combing in the case of lists.

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