New docker install windows 10 pro

trying to install docker for windows.I see there are 3 versions.i'm sure i dont use the arm beta do i choose the WSL 2 backend, oor x86_64 Hyper-V backend, x86_64 version? i think i can figure things out once i install the right version.thank you for any help

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WSL2 backend. It's best to have WSL2 enabled and a default distro installed before installing Docker Desktop. I'd recommend Debian. Once Docker Desktop is up and running, be sure WSL2 "Integration" is enabled in Docker Desktop's settings. No need to enable any listed "additional distros".

I'm lost :joy: installed docker. Crashes logging in with wal error. Opened Cmd as administrator install wsl command and got error

Ok Debian install failed error code 1 says to enable virtualization in bios

i give up lol

Try googling how to enable virtualization in bios.

got that completed.bios set,debian installed(powershell says create unix username but any name i put there it goes back to add unix user),docker desktop is open and says engine running.i dont think im logged in though as clicking connect with google doesnt do anything

All setup :+1:t2: loving dockers