This is a great feature enhancement. I've been using Tailscale on Unraid for a while to remote connect to my Channels server. I prefer using Tailscale over exposing port 8089 over the Internet as I used to find my IP listed on which makes you a target for more port scanners.
One useful feature within Tailscale is to determine if you're directly connected to the server or going over a DERP relay. There's a command you can run from your Tailscale server to enable a simple web page that shows the connectivity status for all your peers. It would be nice to expose this on the Channels server web UI.
On my Unraid server I enable this feature by running the following from the docker console for the instance:
/app # ./tailscale status --web --listen
Serving Tailscale status at
You then open a web page to the IP with port 8384 and should see something like the following:
Mind the paranoia with the blacked out info. You'll see that clients that are connected will show the direct IP address or a relay in the connection column (e.g. relay via ORD - Chicago).