NEW: DVR Server + Tailscale integration, for easier Away from Home access (Experimental)

Omit bitrate=3000 and add codec=copy where it was


There's a lot of information scattered throughout the forums. Easiest way is to port over all channels, but you can also port over "sources" or "specific channels" depending on your need. Clarify the below and i can help you later tonight unless someone beats me too or.

  • all channels or just sources (ie HDHOMERUN based channels but not TVE) or just specific channels (ie 3 channels out of 120)
  • any bandwidth limitations to consider when sharing channels?
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For just the channels on the hdhr you would use:

Use the hdhr id instead of 10710F1Z
Use HLS not MPEG-TS in the custom channel setup

Guide data: leave blank assign it like a regular hdhr with a zip code.


Thank you every one who replied. This is incredible. As a UK expat living in the US, I've wanted this for like 15 years haha. I now have a TV guide with a mix of the best US and UK channels, and can record them locally. Amazing.

Both servers have fiber connections and decent upload speeds, so codec=copy is perfect. On the UK HD channels I need to pause and let it buffer for about 10 seconds but this is not a big deal.

I noticed that I did not need to add the channel guide to my custom source because Channels DVR downloaded it all anyway. I assume this is ok.

I started the UK channels at 9001 so that they don't get mixed up and confused with my US channels. I've created a custom Channel Collection, so the order is my own decision. Again, thanks!


I must have missed this but what happened to the Tailscale option? It used to be in the Debug section but I now I can’t find it.

If you're talking about iOS and tvOS, it was removed tvOS/iOS Beta Notes - #726 by fancybot
Use the iOS or tvOS Tailscale App instead Tailscale issue connecting


There were too many issues around app startup that caused a bad user experience and now that iOS and tvOS both have native support for the Tailscale VPN, there is no longer a need for us to bundle it with the app.


Is there a tutorial for setting this up? Is it just a matter of enabling it on the Channels DVR server and installing the Tailscale app on the client device?

You could do either or. If you just want to use Tailscale with Channels then I would recommend the former...

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And would this be the way I should have it setup in Channels DVR?


If you only want the Channels DVR application to be part of your Tailnet, then yes -- that's the way to do it. Once you get more familiar with Tailscale, you'll probably find that having it running on the host computer itself (rather than just for the CDVR package) will be more desirable.

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When I try to connect, I get this:

When trying to connect remote with Tailscale you enable Tailscale on the device and then connect using the at home profile and type in the address that you have correctly blurred out. You may need to add :8089 at the end, I can’t recall.

If you're using the Tailscale daemon/driver on the DVR machine you do.
If you have the integrated Tailscale turned on in the Channels DVR Server, you don't add the port.

Well, I tried it both with and without the port number and I'm still struggling to get it to work. I don't have great mobile phone service where I live so I may have to try it when I'm closer to civilization to eliminate that variable...

Check the Tailscale app

Also make sure you choose Connect at Home when using Tailscale's working now. Not sure what it was. Thank you everyone for the assistance.

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I put Tailscale on a Chromecast with GTV device and the Tailscale connection didn't stay active a day later. Does it not stay active all the time?


Windows and Linux computers, yes Tailscale will be persistent.

Phones, tablets and streaming sticks, no. On Android and iOS devices, restarts require re-enabling Tailscale.

With a streaming stick, as long as there's power to it (typically recommended), and there are no OS updates, you can go for long periods with Tailscale remaining connected.