NEW: DVR Server + Tailscale integration, for easier Away from Home access (Experimental)

Yes I got both my appletv and iPhone to work. Thank you for your help!

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I was playing around with tailscale some more this week.

1: i installed this on a 4k firestick in preparation for traveling. Ive noticed that when using the firestick and tailscale i had to do more transcoding than my IOS devices. I wound up having a client setting for “at home” around 4mb.

I think the processor in the firestick ARM chip just cant keep up with the additional tailscale encryption like an iphone or apple tv can, so when using tailscale on the firestick it needs more overhead. Can someone confirm this?

2: i just started using the debug—>tailscale feature the past two days.

Sometimes it works fantastic.

However , ive noticed on the sign in menu away from home, its forgetting the server address. Today, i had to go outside of the channels app on my ipad and use the dedicated tailscale app and connect that way.

3: There is also a race condition when you are prompted to enter the dvr tailscale ip, but in the background channels begins to load anyway, and you have to cancel the prompt.

I cant submit diagnostics right while its happening because im stuck inside the enter ip popup. Next time this occurs , ill hit cancel in the pop up and send diagnotics.

4: i noticed that with the built in debug enabled, i am able to connect by selecting “away from home” when away from home. Previously we had to connect using “at home”. Which can we use when using tailscale? I want to optimize my transcoding settings for my clients


Im using tailscale for more than just channels.
Ive wanted a way to have tailscale automatically turn on when im away from home, and turn off when i get home.

Stumbled across this today:


Any eta when tailscale will be in the Apple TV app release? (Not the beta)

Probably not until the summer.

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Not sure if this has been answered, so sorry if it has.

If I have a remote Apple TV connected through this tailscale IP, can I use that IP to control it via the API/Siri shortcuts?

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I definitely hope that someday you guys could enable this for Headscale @eric and @tmm1. The idea is great, but I imagine I'm not the only one who prefers to have the additional control a self-hosted option like Headscale would allow.


Its really easy to add CustomURL support. For example see where I added the feature to golink: Adding custom control server (CustomURL) · tailscale/golink@2f63b0f · GitHub

Hope the Channels devs will consider even if its a hidden API feature only.


Trying this with the latest apk from droid - seems to just give me a blank screen upon launch. Has anyone had similar issue?

This feature worked beautifully for several months. Connecting Channels DVR through Tailscale on my Tmobile Home Internet was fantastic after struggling to get it to work. I would like to keep using the solution but it seems that every few days I am forced to log in again from the server device. To clarify, I have to be on the host PC, open up channels, and then click the button that tells me I need to log into Tailscale. If I do not notice this, all of my connections from other devices to the Channels server are dead. Supposedly the credentials default to 180 days before the key expires (I confirmed in the Tailscale UI that this is how it is setup) but I have to login multiple times a week. I checked the logs and it does not even show an expired key being updated. Just a future-date-expiring key replaced by a later future-date-expiring key. I can't get this to stop. I am now on Xfinity and am considering just scrapping all use of Tailscale now but I would prefer not. Any thoughts on getting the login to Tailscale to stick for the full 180 days instead of 2-3?


Set it to Expiry Disabled. You want have to worry about login again.

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I'm fairly certain that I have tried this several times in the past with the same result. I'll try it again now as a sanity check but I know that I have used that option and was annoyed that it didn't work as expected. It also wouldn't explain why the logs give the expiration date in the far future but I am still forced to log in every few days. Thanks for the comment.

I have tried that too and after a few weeks it refuses to authorize ... I just Installed OPENVPN on my router and use that Instead.

As far as I know, there's no particular advantage to using this built-in Tailscale integration vs simply installing Tailscale on the host. I'm sure we'll get some quick additions to this thread if I'm wrong about that :slight_smile:

To test, I just connected to a system in Minneapolis (I'm in Colorado) and I was able to open a browser there, and stream something off of my Channels DVR server here. I have Tailscale installed (and running) there and on on my Channels DVR host computer.

Having said the above, I'm a hostname guy (basically never use IP addresses for anything unless hostnames aren't accepted) so everything to do with my Channels DVR (or any other installation for that matter) is using the hostname. This of course, lends itself well to Tailscale and its Magic DNS feature.

I can only think of two advantages in using the Channels DVR Server or Client integrated Tailscale.
One is for an Apple TV. Pretty sure (but not positive) you can install a Tailscale app on other clients.
The other is someone sharing their DVR over Tailscale, they probably want to use the Channels DVR Server integrated Tailscale.

One small disadvantage I see is that the Tailscale version updates lag a bit on the Channels integrated Tailscale.

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I turned off integration because every time you restart the DVR server it tells you to log into tailscale instead of doing it automatically (on Windows at least).

Tailscale on the host works fine.

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Are others having this same experience? I've got tailscale enabled and I've restarted and not noticed I had to re-login. Granted I've not used tailscale yet yo connect servers, but plan to do so in the next week or so thus am curious if this is a common issue I would have to deal with?


This is kinda what I'm experiencing - Tailscale is working AMAZINGLY. I have clients on FireTV, Firestick, iPad, and iPhone, all using it, sometimes 2 at once, and it's working great.. The only problem I'm having is that sometimes, maybe once every couple days, tailscale disconnects on the server, and I have to click the connect, and re-authenticate my tailscale account on the server. So far, it hasn't correlated to me booting the server. It seems to happen randomly even when the server isn't restarted. For info, my server is Windows based virtual on a Proxmox node backed by SSD. Anything I can do to try to troubleshoot or send logs to help others figure out what's going on?

What I meant was restarting the channels DVR server, not the Windows server that it runs on. I've had no issue with tailscale running on the host with the host rebooting.

That's why I turned off integration in channels DVR because it's not needed if you have it installed on the host, and more importantly when the channels DVR server restarts because of an update or whatever it would not automatically reconnect to tailscale.

I wanted tailscale on the host anyway because I have subnet router feature turned on so I can access other stuff on my network remotely.

Yeah, I never restart my channels server, my host Windows PC mostly just for updates but otherwise that almost never gets restarted either.

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