New Feature: Safer deleting with Trash

Posts on here make some reasonable arguments about the trash feature and are very convincing so I am back in by setting it to one day. Subscription renewed.


Last time I checked, TiVo was keeping deleted shows in the trash folder unless and until space was needed. I don't think they even include that folder when calculating available space. I appreciate Channels DVR offering the ability to fully and automatically clear that folder, and to mass delete which TiVo doesn't allow. But I'd also like to be able to turn this off or at least extend well beyond 10 days, in case of travel or emergencies that keep us away from the DVR for several weeks.

IMHO delete confirmation dialogs are always a good idea. TiVo doesn't ask for confirmation when I delete a show by pressing the Clear button on the remote, and I've lost count of the number of times I've had to go into the Recently Deleted folder to recover shows I've accidentally deleted that way. TiVo does ask for confirmation if you delete from each show's menu, and also if you try to permanently delete something from the Recently Deleted folder.

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One strange issue isn't going to push someone out. It's more of the 'straw that breaks the camels back' kind of thing. There are no threats here, just a user that's tired of not seeing basic items addressed before more feature additions.

Clearly, you can take the software any direction you wish.

Cute puppy

Well said Maddox. Don’t be discouraged, know that the vast majority of us appreciate the responsiveness and transparency of the team. You all are doing great work.

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Since you provide choices for how long to keep deleted shows in the Trash, please add a choice for 1 minute (as a consolation since you won't allow us to disable/remove this feature).
Choices are good.
Plex provides too many and doesn't deliver on most AND they have cute dogs also.

This would never happen anyways, as the files are only removed from disk every 3-4 hours. This is how this has always worked, since the first day.

Hey guys,

We just put out a new pre-release with some changes to the Trash feature. The first change is that the default time before removal of Trash items is now 1 day. This brings the default closer to how things worked previously. This means less things will pile up. This is how it should have been from the start, so that the feature wasn’t so disruptive compared to the way things previously worked. That’s on us.

It’s important to remember that Channels DVR Server only removes deleted files every 4-5 hours anyways. It’s always worked like this. So 1 day retention of files in the Trash to provide a safety net on deletions is not much different than how it’s worked in the past.

The second change is that there’s an Empty Trash button to let you remove everything in the trash immediately if you need to reclaim space.

The third change is that we’ve introduced a disk space monitor that monitors available space on the primary path of recordings. If the disk space gets below 20GB, trash items will be removed to reclaim space. This is a first pass at a disk space monitor, and if it goes well, we will probably expand it system wide to protect disk space over all. But that’s a whole other thing.

Unfortunately, Trash is only available via the web admin right now. While it will be available in the apps soon, it was a mistake to ship the feature before we had the full experience available. It’s made a lot of this confusing. That’s the opposite of how we usually do things, and that’s on us too.

Overall, disk use has never been a huge complaint with Channels. It’s practically done nothing to be efficient in the past. That’s why we feel that having a safety net against deletions fits right in.


Looking forward to this. Thanks for the hard work.

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Odd...cause before, i know for a fact, that the files were removed from disk immediately after i pressed delete...i saw it happen if i had my File Explorer window open to the network share that is the DVR storage folder. guess i just so happen to delete the files right at that 4-5hr time cycle mark then..... :man_shrugging:

Whatever,,,,trash being emptied at 1 days is fine for me. If i really want them gone faster, takes 3 clicks and 3 secs to manually delete the files....which i am to lazy to do. :robot:

Am glad to see yall are listening to your user base and adapting to how your changes affect them.

Theres now a Trash Button. 1 Click only, there gone. geeeeeeeeeeeeee

Maybe to help....I have the DVR Admin page saved as a favorite on my homescreen of my phone. It allows me to quickly access the admin page and do whatever I need to do. This would be easy for cleaning up any unwanted trash as well :slight_smile:

I think most folks do not even care to access the Web server UI.
I rarely do. I do everything via my ATV box and the Channels app.

I don't know if I would lump most folks into that catergory.

Installing channels is a little more involved and requires going to the admin page for certain things. The people who install Channels I would guess are a little more technical and like the "admin" page.


I meant in the context of everyday use....after initial setup.
The only thing i use the web browser access for is for occasional Guide search as that works much better than the app for me. (and to check future dates on the guide since that is a issue on the ATV app)

OK, so you're not doing it, but I don't understand the reason "as the files are only removed from disk every 3-4 hours. This is how this has always worked, since the first day."
That's not my experience with Channels DVR.
I'm with speedingcheetah New Feature: Safer deleting with Trash
When I delete a movie/episode or show, it's always deleted immediately from my NAS filesystem. Has been that way since I started using Channels DVR up until this Trash was implemented.
Maybe another part of your code does it every 3-4 hrs (Series passes, keep only so many?).

Anyway, I give up asking for it. There are other things I would rather have...

I think what Maddox is referring to is the automatic pruning of files by passes. That only happens on an interval, as you would expect. If you manually delete a file yourself, I think it deletes immediately (or is sent to trash at this point).

I had to use the web UI all the time. If I wanted to see a simple list of recorded files, there was no other way to do it.

I’m all in favor of the way you set it up. Please just set some auto pruning my TiVo does auto pruning to make room for new recordings. You Can also set them up so that it will keep them and if disk is full it will stop recording

All series and team passes have keep settings which auto prunes.

This behavior is back. Deleting a show while recording is in progress will then move on to detecting commercials. If you empty the trash after deleting but before the commercial skip is complete, the mpg file will remain in the folder and will have to be manually removed.