NEW: Improved Apple TV support for HDMI-CEC and Bluetooth remotes

I picked up a cheap used Apple TV 4K, 1st gen, on ebay for $35. I should have it in a few days. It doesn't have a remote. I have a Harmony Hub with the Companion remote.

Question is, am I going to have any issues setting it up without the original remote? Apple TV uses both IR and Bluetooth. Since I can't get into the settings to pair the hub over Bluetooth, my plan is to set it up as an IR device first, then add it as a BT device once I get into the settings of the Apple TV.

Or just use an ios device. As long as it's on the same network you can use it as a remote for tvos

I don't have another Apple device. I added an Activity in the Harmony Hub using Apple TV as the device and A1842 as the model number. Set up all the buttons. One button is called pair, so I mapped that too. It is all setup as an IR device. Seems like it should work.

I'm back to stage one here. Not only did I manage to get everything working, but I picked up a couple more Harmony Ultimates with hubs for other TV setups. I had finally figured out how to set up the remotes consistently where they worked fine with all the hardware on for each TV setup AppleTV 4K, and had the channel numbers working. I even wrote up notes on how to do this in case I every had to do it again. Then tvOS17 came out a couple weeks ago and I started having some minor issues, and even before the OS update, I had started having some problems with the AppleTVs turning off. I didn't mind that problem much since I had them set up to power down after being idle for a certain amount of time anyway.

So I decided to rebuild my activities. Can't get it to work, and I can't find my notes. Can anyone put up simple step by step instructions? The main problem I'm having is, again, getting channel input to work. If I start with the "Watch TV" activity, I get the channel number screen, the harmony keyboard is paired, but pressing channel numbers isn't doing anything. The number pad does have a '.-' key, which I didn't have before, so I'm assuming the remote is using the number pad for my LG TV, not the PC. Starting from any other activity, I never get a number pad screen at all.

Any help out there please?

Yeah Iā€™ve had the same problem before, I think there was a work around but I canā€™t exactly remember.

Something rings a bell to me about making an activity with just the keyboard/mac/pc (I think there may be an option/recommendation?) - that way the touch screen defaults to that input, and then you can add other devices after. I think that is how I got it to work in the past.

And yeah if the touch screen isnā€™t on the number pad by default I think there is settings inside the remote to change that, but unfortunately no setting anywhere on changing the device.

Thank you for the reply! I tried again yesterday starting with just the TV and PC, and this time I did get the right looking number pad, but it didn't work in Channels.

I also had to set up this activity with the application on my desktop because you can't add devices to an activity once the activity is created using the app on the iPhone. That's also part of what is bothering me because when I figured out how to get all this working before, I did the whole setup in the iPhone app, not on my desktop.

Oh okay, Iā€™m not sure why thatā€™s not working for you then.

What if you try just the pc/mac/keyboard and no tv?

Are other keyboard buttons working? Do you use the keyboard for navigation or another device?

Just add windows computer to your devices and then when you build the activity include that device. Then after you set everything else up, edit the remote for the activity. Then map each number key to the windows key :slight_smile:

I donā€™t think youā€™re able to with the touchscreen model?
Iā€™m sure I couldnā€™t find it anyway! Haha

Oh sorry i thought you were using the companion remote and the hub

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I see the option "shake remote to mute"

Doesn't seem to work for me.

Not adding a TV may be my next try. This is all very frustrating.

Yes, that's what I have been doing all along, but it isn't working unfortunately.

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Yes, it does work with the touchscreen model. I had it working that way for a couple years, but iOS 17 was making things misbehave and there is a newer BT5 instead of BT4 that I thought would would fix the issues I was having, which it does, but can't get the keypad on the screen working again, not even switching back to BT4.

Oh sorry I was talking to slampman, he was indicating that in the app you could reassign what the number do - but this is only for the harmony with physical number buttons - not the touch screen model as far as I am aware.

Oh okay so you use the keyboard and the Apple TV bt4/5 profile?
I do remember having issue using both of them at the same time, but have also seen people mention they use both flawlessly :man_shrugging:

As far as I know that feature only works on one previous generation Siri remote, the glass one that has a gyroscope in it.

The newer aluminum one that replaced it doesnā€™t have a gyroscope. It does have a mute button though.

All right. I finally got it working. Here's what you do. This is all in the mobile app. I have an iPhone, so have no idea if Android is different.

First go to the devices tab and add all of your devices you want to use in the activity. At minimum you will want your TV or Monitor, Apple TV, Windows Computer and either the Harmony Pro BT Apple TV 4 or the Harmony Pro BT Apple TV 5. Since I'm using an Apple TV 4K second release with tvOS 17, I used the Harmony Pro BT Apple TV 5. If you are on an older Apple TV or tvOS, you may need to use Harmony Pro BT Apple TV4 instead.

On the Activities screen, tap the Edit Activities button at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the Add Activity Button at the bottom of the screen.
After to connects to the Harmony Servers and checks the hub firmware, select Add your own Activity.
Enter a name for the activity in the edit box at the top and select an icon for the activity and tap the > button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Tap the boxes to the left of the devices you want in the activity you are creating, this puts a check in the box, and tap the > button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Tap the circle next to Watch PC selecting that radio button and window will change asking you to turn on your PC and BT Apple TV 5. Tap the > button in the upper right corner of the screen.
The activity will now run and and there will be a button at the bottom of the screen saying My Devices Are On. Click that button if everything turned on. If not, you will need to troubleshoot.
The next screen lists your devices in the activity that have inputs, go to each device and set the input for that device. After all are complete click the > button in the upper right corner of the screen.
The next screen asks if you can see and hear your content. If so, click the yes button. If not you will need to click no and troubleshoot.
Once you click yes, the activity will sync and save and you will return to the activities screen. Click the Edit Activities button at the bottom of the screen and click on the activity that you just created.
The summary screen will display for the activity. Towards the bottom of the page there is the connectivity option. Click on that option, and it will walk you through parting the windows computer through bluetooth to your Apple TV.
After completing all of this, you will have the number pad on the LCD screen, and it will work for channel input inside of the Channels app. Make sure to customize your remote on the Summary screen as well to set up the keys for the Apple TV since everything will be set up in the Windows computer configuration.