I’m just going to come out and say it, this new sidebar pretty much is terrible. As I’m sure hours and hours of coding went in to it I’m sure it’s here to stay. So here are some tweaks I’d like to see.
I don’t understand developers(not just channels devs) fascination with putting main navigation buttons way at the top of the screen. You have literally just taken my navigation to get anywhere in the app into a two handed experience because a thumb can’t reach the top left corner while holding the phone. Gone now are the days I could navigate to the guide or home library with a single hand holding the phone. What was once a single tap is now a swipe, use second hand two tap, awe crap my fat finger hit the wrong tiny little sidebar item, swipe again tap again. This update is hideous. This is not an attack just constructive criticism.
A better user experience would be to keep the old style at the bottom and keep the swipe from the left to list all 14 of these new custom sidebar items. Like so
If that’s not possible at least can we start the list of sidebar items at the bottom of the screen and work up?
Can you make at the very least “Home” and “Guide” bigger and easier to hit.
Perhaps if one is not using custom sidebars the default can be the old style?
Thanks @maddox