I have my media on a drive but when I try to add it, I get an error "Local content directory must be separate from the configured channels dvr storage directory". What am I doing wrong? Server is set to "/shares/DVR". My TV shows are in a share folder inside of that. Is that the issue? How to resolve?
Here are my Storage Paths
Here is my DVR path
If you have Local content it must be in a different folder than the DVR share. Meaning if you are importing TV shows you "recorded" from another source, it has to be in a different location than the DVR
The folders you placed them in are automatically indexed you don’t need to add them (and can’t, as you learned) via personal media sources.
So my server is "/shares/DVR" and my TV shows are selected in "shares/DVR/TV Shows" it should just automatically find them? I've done that and my stats still show no shows or recordings. Something else I'm missing?
Move your media to a different location. I created a share called MOVIES and one called TV. Do somerhting like that.
Go to the personal media section of sources under settings. Use the cog drop down and choose scan personal media. This will force a scan.
When I do that, I see it quickly say "scanning..." but then stops with nothing found...I have server set for "/shares/DVR/" and my Movies and TV Shows folders are inside of DVR...the quick message that flashes says that it's looking in /shares/DVR/Imports/Movies...am I supposed to physically copy my files to that folder even though they are in a different share? Or is that just one location it's checking (it goes too fast to tell if it's looking other locations)? Thanks for your patience and help!
You have to put your personal media in the imports directory. The movie and TV directories are only for recordings, nothing will be scanned from those.
Please consider reading the documentation again.
Typically you do this by adding another docker share on the Unraid side that point to your existing library, i.e. /shares/Media
and then you can add /shares/Media/TV Shows
or whatever under Personal Media
The /shares/DVR
directory is exclusively for the use of the DVR. The only place you're allowed to add files in there is under /shares/DVR/Imports
Thanks. I think this is a "me" problem with understanding shares or how I have Channels set up in docker. When I try to add a source in Channels, when I choose shares, the only folder that shows is the DVR folder even though under Unraid shares I have Movies and TV Shows...it doesn't list any of them...basically I cannot find them under any part of the file tree. I have used those same shares to set up Plex and other apps though.
What does your unraid configuration look like? There are host mappings there usually
Just as you posted this I figured it out...the container path on the docker was defaulted to "/shares/DVR/" which of course was therefore not including the other shares...so changed that to "/shares" and now I can select no problem...thanks again to pointing me towards my issue!