New to channels - Manual Recording possible?

Low life span of disc when not properly stored….
Hard drives ALWAYS fail,

I started recording on beta in 76
S-vhs around 99
DVD in 05
Blue ray in 14

I have quite the collection of the sports I target, still do swaps with other traders,

I’m an old school physical copy guy


Have you considered M-discs?

Not at those prices

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I know it's off-topic, but how do you like the commercial marking in Channels DVR vs the AD Detect in VRD?
I struggled using AD Detect in VRD and when I found Channels DVR using comskip and now the .Vprj integration they added, I don't use the VRD AD Detect anymore.

I never used the video redo ad-detector as I thought it took too damn long and was inaccurate.

As this is a dead spot in my sports archiving calendar, I have not utilized it yet but it appears to be more accurate from just playing around.

Hard drive is a physical copy on a different media. I have all my plastic disks copied to hard drive for quick and easy access. The hard drive is backed up to the cloud. I still have the plastic disks if I need them, but theoretically, I should never have to touch them again. Having things in a standard format is just easier because you don't have to maintain an old machine. Kudos for having a working beta though...

I no longer own a CD player, or a DVD player, or a Blue-ray player. I enjoy not having the clutter. When I buy a new plastic disk, I rip it before I can watch it. It only takes a few minutes. Some people like all that. My step son has a wall of disks and equipment that he's really proud of. It does look pretty impressive. It's just not my personal esthetic. I like things super high tech, but invisible.

your set up seems to be great for you, that's awesome :slight_smile:

for me, its about getting "games" to other people, and for the past 45 or so years, physical copy is the way to go.

Then again the people I am interacting with are more my age and more in tune with physical copies..

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getting back on topic, there seems to be a partial work around for what it is that i am looking to do, (set like a 12-14 hour recording on one channel)

i'll pop back on here if i run into any further issues
thanks again

@billmich I just released an app to schedule manual recordings:

See if this is useful to you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for that hack, but I have to say that it is mind-boggling that a feature that you take for granted in every other DVR somehow has not made it into the channels client.

It's just such an obvious, basic feature. The best case that I can use is when a sports event gets delayed / rescheduled and the guide has not been updated, but there's plenty of other examples out there.


I appreciate the work you put into this, but I'm not installing extra files or 'python' when my work around is to find start time i want on the channel I want, create a pass for that event, then set the recording to run long by 18,000 seconds - which is 5 hours
36000 seconds being a 10 hour extension...etc

I truly only need it during bowl season (and CFB championship Saturday), and now that I have 2 HDHomerun primes, (6 tuners) I may not even need it then.

But I echo GTFan in that this feature is much easier on other DVR type of programs

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Totally agree definitely a feature that Channels DVR is lacking and other DVRs have this feature built in. Channels DVR was at one time the best DVR but I seem to be using it less and less now. It has become to gimmicky.


what are u using instead that's better?

If all you need is a Straight DVR SageTV is much better as everything Including Manual Recordings and advance recording are all done through the UI Clients not the Web Page.

Maunal Recordings on any Client ....

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DVR? Heck this has been a basic feature of every video recording system dating back 40+ years, even betamax recorders you could do it. Scheduled start time/end time/channel. Basic feature. If it had a clock, it could be done.


will this work remotely on my iphone?

No. Sorry. :frowning:

If you get an app that lets you remote into your PC, sure.

I have the channels iPhone app