Next episode has no audio, until episode is restarted

told you :point_up:

people can't help themselves and continue spewing crap because they love seeing themselves type even though the problem happens on every container type, every video format and every audio format. and that fact has been pointed out for years but guys like this still cling on to that nonsense but again, this guy is right and our disbelief makes it less true bEcAuSe oF ApPlEs lAcK Of mPeG SuPpOrT.

Great; go write yourself a DVR client using SD's or Infuse's video player with the same responsiveness that Channels has.

(Also ... how can I browse my TV guide in a classic grid using the HDHR software? ...)

You just can’t help yourself can you?

Stay on topic, this thread is about audio, not how easily you can find your Green acres and matlock prime time block.

Go insert you two cents in a thread that’s actually about a topic that affects you.

I’m closing this thread because it’s no longer on topic or beneficial.

I apologize to the OP, please feel free to open another thread on this topic.

Please be kind to each other.