NFL channel and Redzone channel

For the Spectrum folks that think they were getting NFL network, you may have been getting it but were not supposed to.

Spectrum Removes NFL Network From TV Packages For “Authorized Incorrectly” (

I can still get it when I authentic in the NFL Network App...that's tells me the account still has authorization for it.

Submit diagnostics

I guess I'm that guy... I'm not sure how to submit diagnostics.

From the DVR page:

Support --> Troubleshooting --> Submit Diagnostic Logs

I tried to authenticate to the NFL Network again, and then submitted the logs.

The refence is f0cdf65e-1501-45ba-b8d8-6203f725f001

The troubleshooting page shows your clock is not in sync.

by 10 seconds. I hit the sync button. Shows fine now. I could watch the NFL Network on the NFL Website on the same machine even when the time was 10 seconds off.

I just confirmed the problem still exists with the time synced up.

Just downloaded the latest release (2021.09.27.0039) hoping the NFL Network would be fixed by now. I got a new error now. ""no login form found"" after a rescan on the NFL Channel.

Click rescan next to NFL then submit diagnostics



Thanks. I see what the issue is and will work on a fix.


I just updated to 9.29 and the NFL Network is NOW WORKING.

Thank you for you attention to this!!!

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Is NFL channel working for everyone now? Recently for me it stopped. I can use my credentials to successfully log in to NFL channel on my PC, but can't get it to pop up on channels. (I tried using Sparklight, Sling Blue, and Youtube TV--none of these seem to work in Channels).

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I just noticed that when I scan my Vidgo source, the scan finds both the ‘Red Zone’ at 6182, and the ‘NFL Network’ at 6192, but I have a checkmark for the ‘Red Zone’ but I have ‘invalid response’ for ‘NFL network’. Tried to ‘rescan’ the channel and get same result.

I’m able to watch using the Vidgo app and can use my Vidgo login to watch it online.

Is there a problem? I’m running 2022.08.21.1619