NFL Network/Dish unimplemented provider

Here is what Channels DVR reports for NFL Network using Dish as my provider:

When I go to the NFL Network app and put in my Dish credentials, it works fine.

What happens when you go to the NFL website (apps don't matter) and try to login there using Dish?

Channels DVR TVE uses the networks live streaming website, not an app or your providers app.

Just checked on the site (not the app), and the log in works perfectly fine.

Channels DVR logs in for you at the website and uses that same stream.
If it's not working in Channels DVR, try updating to the latest pre-release version by Click and Hold the Channels DVR web UI [Check For Update] button to get the latest pre-release version and see if that works.
If not, post again and one of the devs will help you.

I'm using a Docker and running the server on an unRaid machine, not sure if there is a way to get the latest pre-release versions when running a Docker.

I don't run under Docker, so not sure, but if you bring up the DVR web UI...
Screenshot_2020-09-18 Channels DVR

Thank you! I was able to update to the latest version, but it still gives me the exact same response:

unimplemented provider

thanks again though for the help.

Try clicking on the pencil icon next to your TVE Provider in the web UI, then click the Edit button in the upper right.
Try rescanning just the channel that's giving you the error and see what you get.
Hopefully that works, if not a dev will respond to you.

Yeah I've tried that several times already, it doesn't work. Thanks again, hopefully a dev will respond.

OK, hopefully they didn't remove Dish like they just did Xfinity.

Fixed in latest build.

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Just updated and it is now working. Thank you so much!