No daily guide update today

Did the guide update window change in v2021.01.22.1603?

IIRC, it happens at a random time between 9am and 11am.

My two other servers are running older versions (2021.01.15.1649 & 2021.01.19.1937) and got their updates this morning.

Hmm running 2021.01.21.0342 and also didn't see guide update this morning (only xmltv)

2021.01.17.1926 here, and no Gracenote update this morning, either. A manual guide update did work, though.

2021.01.21.1802 i am on.
refreshed it self 5hrs ago.

All three of mine got their guide update this morning.

For the one running 2021.01.22.1603 that didn't update yesterday, there was nothing in the log to indicate any failure, just a lack of guide fetch entries. I didn't refresh guide data on it, just let it be.