No login form found Att U Verse

I'm having the no login form found error for ATT U-verse. Was working fine until last night. I deleted and I am trying to add it again and I'm getting the no login form found issue. I updated to latest pre release and still nothing. I tried going to TV Everywhere to check through U Verse and it works fine. I don't know what else to try. This is my first post thanks.

I too just had this same issue

now today i upgraded computer (minipc)
migration went well, changed ip for 8089 port fwd. thought i covered all the bases ..

installed chrome and rebooted.

any ideas?

is this new computer related?
migrating database (same external d drive just moved to new computer). yes migrated successfully can see OtA locals….

more information

did rescan with u-verse lost 72 channels!
from 170 down to 98!

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Same thing happened to me.. Did a rescan lost more than half the channels, so I decided to delete and try to add again, but get the no login form found error. But if I check the channel compatibility, every channel still works with log in.

I’m having same issue with DTV. Seems to be an ATT issue all around.

Having the same issue, but with DirectTV as they use the same att servers.

Deleted my TVE profile, and now get the no login form error with an image of the login page.

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Additional data,
Confirmed password ..
Agree it’s U-verse specific (for me)
Using Fios I recovered the channels missing (tbs tnt and such).

Ruled out

  • new computer related
  • chrome install related
  • database move to new computer related
  • port fwd, ip address of new computer related

Since scan of source (Uverse) resulted in almost 50% channel reduction must be att related and that it happened to multiple users (common bread of Uverse, Dtv…

Guess alert ATT ?
Hope it resolves over night?

No change as of this am

So I upgraded to today's pre release 5/18, and instead of no login form found I get cable provider authentication failed. So I guess that's progress? Lol

It was affecting other TVE providers too:

YES YES YES progress even better than before TCM east and AND WEST now appear!!!


I just changed password and got my 170 U Verse channels back. So everything seems good for now.

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