No Login Form Found!

Hi, I am seeing an issue when I add my local provider to TVE, I understand that not all channels show up based on the providers TVE setup but I know that I can get the channels in question because I can log into their pages and view the live stream using my providers access.

Provider: WOW
Issue showing: "no login form found"

I have the latest build: 2020.07.01.2206

Logs have been submitted as 2cf84864-c84e-4e56-8722-679198c9b542 .


Does it work on

It allows the login but the only channel that will show live there is NBC News NOW.

I can goto and watch live there with my WOW login id.

I use Wow, too, and my Discovery channels have been doing this for 2 weeks. I've tried a bunch of stuff that didn't work. Today, I decided to turn on my VPN and then try to rescan each channel - and it worked. Each Discovery channel came back. Then I turned off the VPN and tested it and everything is working fine again. I am not tech minded at all to know why it worked, maybe something in my browser cache from my local IP was 'stuck'? But I don't care because I am so happy to get my Discovery channels back.

I should also say, that my HGTV channel (is that Scripps?) did NOT fix and still says "no login form found". So it didn't solve everything.

Thank you for the information. I did turn on my VPN and did a channel rescan but it didn't resolve the issue. :frowning: