No navigation option after search

On iOS using V8.17.1423. Not sure if this was occurs before the nav sidebar change but if you select search, enter a search term the search results are displayed. After you do this there is no navigation option to go back to home or any other location. You have to kill and restart the app in order go back home.

the iOS search field takes over the navigation bar when you search something, this is native behavior.

You'll need to cancel out the search to get the navigation bar back.

I too am frustrated with the new look. If I perform a search for a show and then select the left most show option, upcoming episodes appear. But there is no return arrow to get me back to the search page. I am forced to kill the app and restart.

This is a bug with how it’s presenting upcoming airings. It’s presenting the view without a navigation bar, so there’s no back button.

We’ll get that fixed up.

This was resolved in the latest TestFlight beta:

@cyoungers Maybe the issue you were having was more of what @Blue described?

@Blue and I were describing the same thing.

Ok, well this should be resolved now.

Latest iOS beta 8.19.2154. if you make a change in settings it will lock up and the app requires restart. For example make a change to settings->general>manage navigation.

Also I’m not seeing any size difference in the tap field which was the purpose of this last update.

log submitted under db01da21-1ff7-4c44-811c-4dc88a3801dd

It's not a visual change. Previously only the visible labels in the navigation items were tapable. The gaps between each item were not. Now, the gaps between the items are included in the touchable areas above and blow each item, increasing the tapable areas for each item and preventing miss touches.

Could you provide a reliable way to re-produce this. Please list the steps. I'm not seeing the navigation button getting lost as it was in the scenario previously mentioned in this thread.

Toggle on of these settings

Currently they are greyed out and unchangeable. I believe this because I added some custom sidebars personal sections to play with. In short I think for you to reproduce you will need to remove your sidebars personal sections so that those options are able to be changed and it will lock up

Or put the app in the background and bring it back up will lock it up when on the above picture page

Great catch, these are both the same issue.

These last issues were resolved in the latest TestFlight beta: