No option to download shows?

I’ve just got myself an android phone as I’m thinking of switching from iPhone to Android. I’ve downloaded the Channels whole home DVR app, I’m on the train tomorrow and so I’d like to download some of my shows. I have wifi 6E so they’ll download at around 1800mbps… however, I cannot see any download option like the iOS app has?

What am I doing wrong?


I don’t think downloads is available for android yet

I don't believe this feature has made it to Android yet.



Friendly piece of advice: search the boards for its archive of wonderful information!

That is so old I forgot all about Downloads for Android learned to live without it. They are too busy with HDMI etc ... to work on Android. I use Emby to download and watch,

You can always download from the the server

Has there been any update regarding the downloading of recordings using Android Mobile? I'm trying to search but all the other threads seem to link back to here.

No change, but it is at least on @anizocani's radar:

Also, this was just asked about 5 days ago in the main thread: