No PIP option in channel setting on Apple TV 4k

While I was happy to se the PIP option has come of age, my channel app is not displaying the option in settings. i tried stopping and restarting app - still nothing. please advice on how to get the most current version of the app if it is not updating automatically...

Go to the App Store, search for Channels, click Update.

Version 4.4.0 requires iOS 14+. It may be that your device is still on iOS 13. Update to 14.4 that was released today, and the option to update will be available.

I was running IOS 14.3 and Channels 4.3.3 on my iPad and the App Store did not give me the option to update. I had to delete Channels from my iPad and then install it again to get to Channels 4.4.0 with PIP.

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