No Shows Found in Backup after Moving to New Server

I have a number of database folders where my backups were stored on an external drive. Prior to moving I got a unable to open DB due to lock. Didn’t pay it much attention since it was the old server. New server when browsing to the /restore and pointing to the Database folder see’s all the backups but they all show as 0 shows and recordings. Below is the error that shows in the log: Any thoughts?

Error in Log: Could not open database CreateFileMapping: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command

Things I have verified:

  • I opened the db file and there is data there.
  • Tried deleting a lock file though it was empty and redid the sync.
  • Verified I can play video files
  • Drive is an external usb, error checked the disk
  • Restarted Channels DVR

Edit: Forgot to add old system was running windows 7, news system windows 10. External drive is NTFS and inherited the dvr folder on the drive on the new system. Verified permissions, any user can read/execute the files

Looks like it was just a reporting issue. The backup said it had no recrodings or shows but just for fun I added one anyways and voila all my shows and recording schedules populated.

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