Nocords for Plex?

Does anyone know if there is a nocords version for Plex like there is for Pluto? Every time I try using the Plex m3u it cuts out after a minute or so. The nocords version of Pluto just seems to work perfectly. Just curious.

I use this GitHub - jgomez177/plex-for-channels
To be honest I don't watch much from Plex so I don't know how good it is.

I'll check it out. Thank you.

Pluto and Stirr only as far as I can tell from Hanks's website at

I use the docker containers for Plex and pluto and they work great.
The programming plays and the local ads run as expected.
I've been quite happy with the operation.

Care to elaborate which ones?
Since the OP says Every time I try using the Plex m3u it cuts out after a minute or so.

Just so we're all on the same page and know which ones you're both talking about.

It's like someone saying I updated to the latest version.

I was using the m3u from njz. Sorry for not specifying.

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Thanks. You must mean Matt Huisman's files at Index of /Plex/
It's a known issue with not having unique plex tokens per user that causes your issue.

Pretty sure rpaulmerrell means this preferred one that generates unique plex tokens per user.

@joagomez's Plex for Channels is written in Python. @HankLloydRight's requires the code to be written in Javascript.

Only if and when the code is converted can it be utilized at Since this is in the "not anytime in the near future" category, running your own Docker for the Plex stations is the way to go!

Well, just to be clear, it's not "required" to be in Javascript, and I'm not opposed to using Python. I'm pretty sure I've already tried porting the @joagomez Plex code to But I quickly ran into dependency hell as well as conflicts between Python 2 and Python 3 -- both installed on my server. And since I know essentially no Python, I couldn't get past these issues. I'm sure for someone that knows Python well, it would be trivial to take the @joagomez code and port it to a web server and and serve it up like does. It's just above my pay grade.

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Well you all are way over my head lol. I am an idiot when it comes to this kind of stuff. Still trying to learn but its more miss than hit for me on learning what you are talking about lol.

I did try and set up a docker for plex, but that completely failed. Im running on windows 11. I have no clue what i am doing. Is there a tutorial or something i can go read/follow to set one up? Its stupid to do for just one channe but gotta make the s/o happy.