Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

Thank you for your help with this. I've got guide data on both Pluto and Stirr. Love this solution much better than the Docker version that would quit intermittently on me on my Windows computer and also much less strenous on the CPU.


just found this. awesome.

feature request: enable "prefix" and "padding" parameters to adjust the channel numbers dynamically while still referencing the original channel-number.

This is just a wrapper around your m3u (cached locally for 30 min as well):

the default is ?prefix=8&padding=4

this makes all pluto channels 5 digits in length and all start with an 8:

  • 0 -> 80000
  • 12 -> 80012
  • 123 -> 80123
  • 1234 -> 81234

It’s already set up for that.

I believe this should work (I’m on my phone right now):

edit: Yup, that works.

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well, that behavior is a bit different - it starts numbering at N and increments 1 for each channel.

this one keeps the original channel convention but just pads it. I like this because it matches with the native channels and the website. so the ST:TNG channel on their site is 270, and with this it's changed to 80270

so the last channel # in mine is 83415 (my prefix + match pluto's 3415), the last channel in yours is 80337 (because 337 available channels).


That does sound nice. The mismatch otherwise can be confusing.

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Ok, I've changed the code to re-use the original channel number.

The link and parameters remain the same:


sweet that's exactly how i need it. thx!

You're welcome! Thanks for the suggestion.

I hope any other custom users aren't surprised by the change (for the better).

edit: The only difference is that the custom link adds the channel number to the starting point. So if you specified start=80001, then you'd get channel number+80001 in the m3u file.


What should the Options be set to ??? Prefer or Ignore channel-number from M3U??

Thank you...

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Ignore, usually.


If you are using the custom.php version, then you want "prefer".

If you choose "ignore" I think Channels DVR will (or may) assign alternate channel numbers if there's a conflict.


I tried it last week and only got as far as one station assigned to "0", my OCD couldn't handle it being before my OTA channels :flushed:

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Oh wow! I'm very new to Channels, loving it. I have no clue what the hell docker means or is. So I tried adding the regular m3u for Pluto. It worked, but it has no show info, and couldn't record, so coming across your post here I figured hey, this is exactly the process I just did just with a different url address! I can do that! So I deleted my Pluto source, added it again with your url address. Works amazingly!!! Has all the show data, show posters, record option!. Wow!
Thanks so much for doing this!


Just stumbled on this and it’s incredible. Thanks!

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I just want to say thank you for doing this. I am running my DVR on a Raspberry Pi and thanks to you I can integrate Pluto and Stirr. Donated to support you. Great work.


Hi everyone-- was traveling a bit.. thanks for the comments and you're welcome! And thanks for the support @realimpact4g


I coming to this late in the day and I haven't read the entire thread so I may have missed something, but I don't like grabbing someone else's CPU and bandwidth.

Would it be possible to add editable tokens for time so Channels could do something like "${startTime}&stop=${stopTime}" in the guide data field ? That way we can pull direct and Hank doesn't get me beating up on his servers every few hours.

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I'm not really sure what you mean. Channels cannot ingest the json from pluto directly, that's why the docker exists to convert it into XMLTV. The version here is simply a docker that someone else is hosting. If you don't want to use that, you can host or run the docker yourself.

There's actually nothing to worry about here (but thanks for the thought).. all the files are edge-cached with Cloudflare and the edge cache refreshes from my server every 30 minutes (or 3 hours) depending on the file. So hit those links as hard as you want, it doesn't really affect my server.

(this was covered previously in this thread -- you must have missed those posts. :wink: )


Thanks. I won't worry then. Cloudflare can definitely afford it. Appreciate the community work !