Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

I’m aware of how to deal with overlapping channels but good info for others. The OP has stated that he has no overlaps, so that isn’t causing his guide issues even though I’ve seen this happen when overlaps exist

Thank you so much for this! Works perfectly! I have been going insane trying to get docker to work on my raspberry pi (I imaged with Ubuntu to be able to load content for virtual channels directly to the server).

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You're welcome!! Enjoy.

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I see there was an update to pluto-for-channels two weeks ago, does the method use the latest version regardless? I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, but just checking.

Thanks again for this awesome tool, it’s very appreciated and I recommend it to everyone whenever I can.

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appears to be 5 commits behind

But if he's actually "Running pluto-for-channels version: 1.2.9" as this page says
then he's only 2 commits behind and his github page is not up to date.

The Pluto-for-Channels code on the server is the latest version, I've been making the changes there, but haven't updated the github yet.

I'll go sit in the corner for the rest of the class.


You're welcome and thanks! I never expected it to become so popular. It was more of a 'I wonder if this will work?' challenge. It was really pretty easy to set up (just node.js and the script on the server). I'm also surprised nobody did it before me, as I am relatively late to the Channels party. :wink:

Setting up the Stirr module was a bit harder since I never used or installed Go before, so it was quite foreign to me (i.e. lots of googling). That took a while to figure out since I had to install Go and then figure out how to compile and run the app.


Ok, the github is now updated to be in sync with the version running on the server:


Sorry to have caused work for you :grimacing:
I was just trying to show users how they could check for themselves.
I use the Maddox docker container for Pluto, but I use your container for frndly TV :smile:

Thank You for your contributions to Channels DVR.


That’s made by matthuisman:


Oops! That's what I get for posting when over-tired.

@HankLloydRight, first off, I'd like to echo everyone's thanks for this project...its awesome!!!..

Have a couple questions of some weirdness I'm trying to work through:

  1. I'm using your Pluto and Stirr m3u playlists and in a thread you informed you added functionality that permitted specifying the start number of the channels. This appears to have stopped working - (my start range)

  2. In addition to Pluto and Stirr as sources, I also have Plex and Spectrum. I'm having difficulty getting the Stack Duplicates function to work - General > Stack Duplicates. Would that have anything to do with your playlists or would that be a general Channels issue ??.

Thanks again for all your effort!!

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Thanks for the feedback.

For your first question, it appears there was some test code adding 20 to the custom number provided. It should now start at the number you specify. I'm not sure why that was in there.

Second, the non-Docker source returns the same XML/EPG as the Docker code, so if one doesn't stack, I'd bet neither does the other(s). So I couldn't begin to tell you what's not working. Sorry.


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No worries...Thank you for your feedback!!!!


Thank you so much for this non-docker option. I have a quick question. Anyone noticing any issues with no guide data on Pluto. The channels play but I don't have any guide data and am not sure why..

I'm seeing guide data but it stops at 6am PT tomorrow. I've refreshed the guide data but that did not help.


I believe there are only 12 hours of guide data available at any given time. Which is also a reason why you should have guide data set to refresh often, like every 3 hours (the data on the backend only updates every 3 hours).

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I think something's broken with the STIRR EPG. At least it's not working over here and I haven't changed anything that would affect this. Anyone else?

Interesting. I'm seeing it empty too. Even though pulling up the URL in a browser is showing data. I am thinking it is out of date which means that url is no longer updating.

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