Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

Please keep an eye on it and LMK if it stops again. Thanks.

Will do.

Found and fixed the 'root' problem -- there was an issue with cron on the new server not running the code properly. NOW, the source M3U and EPG files are properly being updated, so this should solve the problem going forward.


Is there a EPG for Redbox?


What about this method?

Hmm. I haven’t tried that. I will say my experience with m3u4u last year was awful. Even though I contributed a few times they kept removing my playlists “due to inactivity.”


Least intuitive app/website ever!

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is it just me, or is not working again?
any non docker alternatives at this point?

EDIT: turning off VPN seems to have fixed it, although it worked fine with vpn on before..

The VPNs being blocked changes frequently. It's a cat-and-mouse game, so sorry for the inconvenience.


Mine has never worked with PIA, then lately I tried a few new servers that were ok for a few days until they were blacklisted. It likely depends on which server you are using on your VPN.

I even have apps and IPs split from the tunnel and it messes up too much for my liking. That's an issue with the software, not I'm guessing.


Just to add to the choir..thanks so much! You increased the channel count on my channels server hugely! if you do ever decide you need to ask for donations count me in!

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You're welcome!


Your post reminded me I've been meaning to fork over a small donation. His PayPal banner is on his page.


Howdy... it's been ages since I configured my Channels using the (wonderful) nocords server for Pluto, et al... and I just discovered today that it thinks there are no channels for Pluto, Stirr, etc... and when I go and reconfigure, I get the following error:

invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout

Anyone know what I've got wrong? I did change ISPs earlier in the week... is this maybe some sort of DNS filtering going on? (I'm not using a VPN.) Or is nocords having hiccups right now?

It’s working for me. What do you get when you go to ?

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I get the appropriate web page... but when I'd try pasting in the links into Channels' sources, I'd get the i/o timeout error.
But... an update... My Channels DVR is on a NAS, and it said there was an update ready to install, so I let it update, and upon rebooting, Channels was now seeing Pluto & Stirr sources and content again, so maybe there was some sort of hangup on my NAS.... but at the moment, all is well again. :slight_smile:

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And sometimes a reboot does wonders, especially for network issues.


With that no longer being an option, here's how anyone can get these stations: