I appreciate it. But what is pip install and python? Sorry I am stupid when it comes to all of this.
Just install python 3.11 for windows and be sure to check to install pip in the installation options
Is python lunix or wondows? I apologize for being confused. But this is far beyond my grasp of windows.
It's both. You could use python on both
Did not know that. Thank you.
The Blue Bloods Pluto channel on Channel is stuck on a perpetual loop of the same three commercials, without any Blue Bloods content being shown. But on the Pluto’s own app, everything is normal. Do you have any reason for this happening?
Pluto is not a native Channels DVR source.
What m3u are you using for your source?
Working great using Maddox Docker.
nocords.xyz only provides m3u links to the content and the program guide. It has nothing to do with the content streaming from those channels.
That has to set a record for the fastest reply for an unsupported 3rd party addon to Channels DVR from the 3rd party developer.
Thanks @HankLloydRight
What's the difference between using the script (Docker container) to generate a playlist instead of using the one directly from the website?
There should be no difference in the end result. But with the website playlist, you don't have to run docker or a docker container locally on your computer.
looks like t: https://nocords.xyz/stirr/playlist.m3u is just returning my Stirr playlist?
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="stirr-5442" tvg-id="5442" tvg-logo="https://vcz-ktest2-cloud-vodlix-com.b-cdn.net/u/ktest2/files/thumbs/2024/03/21/1711050143xj230eD6gK-512x512-square.png" tvg-chno="100" group-title="Comedy Live" , Always Funny
Is that intended?
Same goes for the EPG
Yes. When there's an error or other problem with the GO program running on the site, instead of failing, it fails over to your files.
If that's not OK, I can change it. I thought it was better to return something that worked instead of nothing or an error.
I'm off to investigate what's wrong now.
edit: It's returning this error:
Error when filling cache unexpected response 502 Bad Gateway from https://ott-gateway-stirr.sinclairstoryline.com/api/rest/v3/channels/stirr?station=national
I'm not sure what to do to fix that.
they did a big rewrite. the api completely different now.
The GO container will need to update based on webtools of there website
fallback to mine is OK
was just curious
Thank you.
I'll update the nocords.xyz website to indicate this and give proper credit.
What channels does stirr get? I checked their website and it shows nothing.
I / the playlist get 62 channels: Stirr by MattHuisman.nz
Their EPG is all out of wack though. most channels have no epg and others i cant seem to get it to match