Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

looks like t: is just returning my Stirr playlist?

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="stirr-5442" tvg-id="5442" tvg-logo="" tvg-chno="100" group-title="Comedy Live" , Always Funny

Is that intended?
Same goes for the EPG

Yes. When there's an error or other problem with the GO program running on the site, instead of failing, it fails over to your files.

If that's not OK, I can change it. I thought it was better to return something that worked instead of nothing or an error.

I'm off to investigate what's wrong now.

edit: It's returning this error:

Error when filling cache unexpected response 502 Bad Gateway from

I'm not sure what to do to fix that.

they did a big rewrite. the api completely different now.
The GO container will need to update based on webtools of there website :slight_smile:
fallback to mine is OK
was just curious


Thank you.

I'll update the website to indicate this and give proper credit.

What channels does stirr get? I checked their website and it shows nothing.

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I / the playlist get 62 channels: Stirr by
Their EPG is all out of wack though. most channels have no epg and others i cant seem to get it to match

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This is still working fine for Pluto.

Though Stirr, i see is blank...o well.

With the DMCA takedown of matthuisman playlists, I hope this is also not at risk.
This URL been rock solid for me for Pluto.

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6 months later.... yea. Their Live page still has channel streams, but no Guide info.

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am i supposed to copy these purple strings into my pluto settings on channels? I have no idea how to set this up. I had it working and all my channels disappeared in channels. why is this so freaking complicated. I just want to watch tv not be a programmer.

For Pluto, if you are referencing the purple strings in post #1 then yes. Copy and paste this and fill in the channel number you wish Pluto channels to start at. Example below starts them at 10000

It should look like this.


Copy and paste this in the guide data field

What did you use when it was working?

Not working. I am deleting my account. I have had enough of this programming. Moving on. Thank yu.

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Nocords source works fine.
Literally copy and paste the urls for the playlist and the guide data into Custom Channels, like in the screen shot provided, and per Channels Documentation.
It is also exactly how one would have setup the previous custom channels using matthuisman URLs.
So, if you were able to setup those sources, this setup is identical...
But, ok, thanks for stopping by.


Just tested here and it’s working fine here too. Copy-pasting two addresses also isn’t “programming,” but whatever.

Some people aren't exactly savvy to this clearly :rofl::joy:

I err on a side of caution for those who are looking for something easy: just get a tivo or a dvr with your provider and be done with it. :rofl::joy:


But then they complain that it’s too expensive, that it has a crappy user interface and that they’ve lost their recordings :neutral_face:

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People have to decide.
do you wnat crummy interface and higher price or do you wnat something that you can customize to taste.
If you don't want on going cost, emby is always an option.
I personally have both and don't have an issue paying for channels. I feel good about my well crafted tv solution.
if i don't like something, i will simply make the change i want.


Also, blaming the Channels DVR platform when a free custom channel source like Plex, Pluto or Samsung TV changes or breaks, is like blaming your car when there’s a roadblock in your neighborhood.

There are other roads to drive on and there’s only so much your car can or should be held responsible for.