Stirr's no longer serving live channels, perhaps it's time to remove from the website too
Not true. They have Live channels on their site... Just no guide data.
(the first channel 100 Always Funny fails to load, but the rest of them play fine, on their site)
And the streams is not DRM, as my IDM extension can download video clips from it.
OK, but with the recent changes at Stirr and without guide data, this source is no longer integrating properly with CDVR as a custom channel source.
I thought it would make sense for the website to mention that, at least for newcomers who will end up struggling with it otherwise, and for previous users troubleshooting why it’s no longer working for them, either.
Of course. Agree it should be removed since it no longer useable with Channels.
And it has been that way for long time now.
I was just correcting the statement that they no longer have live channels.
Most users wouldn't check the nocords website their playlist and epg are coming from, but if they did they would see this at
(bold emphasis mine)
Stirr-for-Channels (PHP)
These links run the stirr-for-channels GO program in the background with the STIRR_STATION_ID set to 'national'
I saw that too, but with the URLs still there, the words "local module" threw me off. Right after the section about setting STIRR_STATION_ID to "national," I thought "local module" could mean the geo-specific one, i.e. setting it by state or time zone? I know Pluto TV also has different guide data for Local, France, UK, and Canada, so, yeah, I was confused. lol
Thanks. And thanks for offering that service to this community for as long as you did! It worked really well, while it lasted. Much appreciated!
I was assuming it meant the robbiet480 stirr-for-channels GO program, same as used in his container
which fails to generate a channel lineup playlist
Then the difference in our assumptions is another good reason for it to have been removed.
For if it's useful... I'm using the m3u playlist via Tivimate... for the Close Caption (or subtitles), there are three options:
- Off
- Closed Captions 1
- English.
Choosing English used to be the only way to have them, and it worked flawlessly until a few days ago,
Now, every time English is selected, it brings an error message (“An error occurred: IllegalStateException”)
If I go back to off or Closed Captions 1, the audio and video come back normal, unfortunately without subtitles.
Unsure if this is something that can (or will) be corrected, but mentioning for if it's possible...
Could be the source. You didn't mention what "the m3u playlist" is.
Try using one of the channels urls from the playlist in VLC and see if there are still closed captions.
Are you sure your using for your Pluto with CC? I've used it since he posted this thread and have never seen any except once or twice on an oddball channel I usually never watch. Here's what I see tonight, no •English selection:
VLC shows a WEBVTT stream, but there are no subtitles/captions displayed when selecting it.
Another Pluto channels has closed captions and it displays

Later: Now the same channel that wasn't playing WEBVTT subs is working. May have been the movie that was playing earlier didn't have them.
If you use the nocords playlist directly you will get subtitles and closed captions.
If you use the Channels DVR playlist from your DVR that sources it from nocords, you will not get subtitles, but will get closed captions. Channels DVR does not pass the WEBVTT subtitle stream through.
After I snapped that Gunsmoke screenie above (Tivimate) I left CC on and prowled around. I ended up on one of the Star Trek channels and no CC. Then, oddly, it started to run a commercial and one of the 3-4 commercials had CC, and after it switched back to programming that didn't have CC the old text from 3 commercials ago still displayed until I switched channels.
I guess it's the price we pay for accessing their intellectual property in unconventional ways.
Off-topic, concerning Tivimate, boy is it cool on College Football Saturday having 4 games playing at once. Shame CHDVR cant do stuff like this.
(one image, since new users can only post one)
left: just to show that I'm not confused and that indeed are using the nocords Pluto playlist (I assure that I wouldn't be confused and wouldn't come to a nocords section for plutotv if I were using anything else)
right: what it appears when going to the Closed Captions section... it was like that since I started to use the nocords link, months ago. At first, selecting ENGLISH didn't give any problem and worked flawlessly... the IllegalStateException error appeared a few days ago. Haven't checked in anything else...
I never thought of switching my user agent in Tivimate to VLC, I bet that's why you were getting subtitles. I'm going to have to try that, even though my main use is for live sports, and only recently discovered Tivimate for just that purpose. Shame the recording in Tivimate is mostly unusable, not having a client/server setup precludes that I guess.
No idea why subtitles quit working suddenly, although Tivimate did just upgrade from 5.0.4 to 5.1.0 within the last 5 days. Could be a bug in the new version?
There is a difference between WEBVTT subtitles and EIA-608/EIA-708 closed captions.
Although they may look the same to you on the screen, they are generated(encoded), transmitted and decoded differently.
There may be examples of each one being used on the same channel, so unless you know what a show/movie is using, it's impossible to compare using just a channel or source.
This is getting off-track from Channels DVR and going into TiviMate and VLC instead.
I PM'd the OP asking if he wants this conversation split off.
What do you see on a Channels client device? We know it can't currently handle WEBVTT subtitles.
Have you brought this up to TiviMate support?
I will leave this up to the OP and @maddox if they want this conversation to continue about tivimate
Your previous post about that and VLC made me dig deeper in to why I never have had subs or CC in ChannelsDVR, but he did in Tivimate. I did change the user agent in Tivimate, and most channels do work. FWIW, I'm on an Nvidia Shield Pro, evidently he's on another device, judging by his added "ENGLISH" selection in the CC dialogue he posted a pic of.
Long story short, it makes me wonder if a feature request is in order, or even possible, for CHDVR? It seems to be as simple as making your user agent "VLC" to make CC and subs work for Pluto when using Tivimate.
Also, apologies for veering off-topic here, I just happened to recall past Pluto/CC/subtitle posts and also have an oddball limited use for Tivimate, so I decided to investigate.
I get this both with my U.S. VPN server connected and with my non-U.S. local ISP connection.
I have access to various kinds of connections and servers. Is there any way to solve this problem?
When I click your link above in my browser, it successfully downloads the .m3u file. But when I try to set up the corresponding links within Channels DVR, I get the following: