Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

I deleted the Source and added it back with a different Source name using the php version and set it to 7000. It did start at 7000, but the last channel for it is 11440. There is another Source above 7000 that it went through, so hopefully no conflicts.

The only other thing I can think is that I added the FrndlyTV Docker source a few days ago, and that one uses 2 separate sources, only one of which has a guide url, in order to get all the channels. When I set that up, it had 4 times as many channels for itself which I just turned off in the settings.

Deleting and recreating guide data didn't solve it.

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I deleted FrndlyTV and Pluto, and added it back again with a new name and set it to start at 2000. It goes from 2000 to 5440. All my other sources are above that so its OK I guess. I did a rough count and its the right number of channels ~350. I just don't remember them being spread out over 3000 channel numbers but maybe it was.

How does Channels handle it if there are two sources using the same channel number?

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My Pluto spans from 10,000 to 13,440 with 353 channels. So yes it requires a wide swath. Things go a little wacky when channels overlap that’s why Pluto goes to 10k for me.

Mine go from 7000 to 10440.

I just spent a couple hours and went through this entire thread and I think I'm good now. OK, I see that the wide swath with Pluto is normal so it has its own stomping grounds at 10,000. Along the way I got the php version of Stirr that changes the icons.

Ironically I've spent more time trying to get this all figured out and working than I did with the Docker version. :joy: Probably I was overthinking it and there are some tidbits in the thread that aren't in the first post.

Thanks for the help.


My 354 Pluto channels run from 10000-13445 if START=10000 and use channel numbers from the m3u
If I have Channels ignore m3u channel numbers, they run from 9000-9353

What should we put under limits for these sources? I think Stirr should be 'Limit to 1 stream' ?

Limits should be based on your hardware and/or internet setup.
Unless you have very low-capability hardware or a slow internet connection, there is no real reason to define limits for these sources.

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I might be confused but I have trouble playing the same Stirr channel on two displays.

M3U Streams are always shared not sure what your problem is.

What are the two clients and can you describe the problem?


sdust, has your network speed improved at all since last year?

Because if not, that's probably got something to do with it.

Paying the same Stream (channel) in multiple Clients does not require additional Internet speed ... as the 2nd Client should be getting the stream from the server.

@sdust When watching the Same channel on 2 clients you should see this ...

2023/02/08 12:31:02.539879 [TNR] Sharing existing connection to M3U-Pluto for ch9000 TV Land Drama (clients=2, len=0)

Sorry, can not reproduce now. :sweat_smile:

Does anyone know if the guide data XML link is working anymore? I'm not seeing guide data anymore.

With the source of:

and guide of:

It works fine

I re-installed my server recently and just re-added Pluto TV and I'm seeing the guide for Pluto channels listed as "Pluto TV Spotlight @ 11am" and "Pluto TV Action @ 11am" etc. There are no specific shows listed for any channel. I don't recall if I should see actual show names in the guide, or is what I'm seeing accurate?

The logos display fine, btw. Thanks for your help.

I see a normal guide with the channel numbers and names on the left and then the times with shows to the right. There are hundreds of channels from Pluto. You server may need some time to populate the guide. If you go to settings, you can see the server activity in the upper right. The speed of your server and network will determine how long it takes to update.

But should I be seeing actual show names? I've attached an image of what I'm seeing now.

Yes, you should see show names. Try going to sources and hit the gear next to Pluto source and reload xmltv

Then go to the top and watch the activity section to see if it’s downloading.