Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

LOL, I made that change, thanks.

I forgot to mention in the above post, if anyone wants Stirr files generated for a specific STATION_ID, I can set up dedicated links just for that area for a $24 annual contribution to the effort.

Can you explain, what benefit does one get by having a specified STATION_ID? I've not edited mine from the original docker so don't really understand what this means.

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I'm just guessing here, but there's this website that barely/doesn't work to tell you the local STATION_ID for your area or "National" if there are no local channels.

But I think it changes the channel lineup based on region. How it changes, I have no idea.

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For example, here are the STATION-ID for California. They must do something, I'm sure someone else here knows better than I do.

Stirr Cities

  • Bakersfield: bakersfieldnow
  • El Centro: national
  • Eureka: national
  • Fresno: kmph
  • Los Angeles: los-angeles
  • Monterey: national
  • Oakland: san-francisco
  • Palm Springs: national
  • Redding: krcrtv
  • Sacramento: national
  • Salinas: national
  • San Diego: national
  • San Francisco: san-francisco
  • San Jose: san-francisco
  • San Luis Obispo: national
  • San Marino: national
  • Santa Barbara: national

I, too, narrowed this down specifically to the those (Samsung TV+) channels. I'm seeing it a couple of times daily. And at least on my AppleTV, I can get the empty guide data to repopulate by force-quitting the Channels app and then relaunching it.

I'm not sure how often the Channel client app look for guide data updates, but it doesn't seem to work with (or maybe it doesn't work often enough with?) this particular EPG source.

OK, glad I asked! Interesting.... I just read some of the comments about this from @robbiet480, who shared the original Stirr docker. I was confused about this when it first came out. Seems the localized Station ID offers localized programming, at least in some big cities. Using the docker method, I have a channel called "STIRR | Los Angeles" for example. (The logo says "STIRR | City" so I'm guessing there are many different ones.) But I'm not seeing any guide data. It's currently playing The Suki & Scott Show, which doesn't seem very Los Angeles specific. lol

Regardless, thanks to both of you. I'm so grateful for these fantastic shares.

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What STATION-ID does. See the Channels section of the wiki article

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I moved mine from 3 hours to 6 to help with the load.

Mainly News ones - For example 'NBC News' 9400 - Or ET Live 9392

I'll check now if this can help fixing setting up PASSES for recording :wink:

@tmm1 and @maddox -- I think there's a little bug in the current pre-release server. I don't think it's my links or site.

I can set both PlutoTV and Stirr to update the EPG every hour, but the server is only actually calling the EPG links for one EPG or the other -- it's as if there's only one wake timer being set, and it's either PlutoTV or Stirr, but not both (unless a manual update is forced).

For instance, I had both set to update every hour. Last night I noticed that Pluto hadn't updated for several hours, so I did a forced update, then it started updating every hour, but then Stirr stopped updating. I got up this morning - Pluto updated every hour, but not Stirr. So I forced a Stirr EPG update, and Stirr updated once, but it's still only updating PlutoTV.

The Channels log reflects this, there is no "Fetched guide data for XMLTV-Stirr in 0s" entry between 9:24pm yesterday and 7:10am today, while there are log entries for PlutoTV.

I installed the non-pre-release server on a different computer to test the three-hour update, but that's going to take all day to test.


Yep, confirmed. Great find!


FYI I have uploaded v1.2.8 of pluto-for-channels which now correctly tags live airings and will allow the DVR to record news programs off pluto with a Series Pass.


Great! I spent a lot of time trying to make sure it wasn't anything on my end. I think a few other people were having issues with the EPG updating hourly.

And thanks again, will update the backend now. :+1:

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Gremlin caught! And @tmm1 is already on the case!


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Oh, this explains so much! I have Pluto, Stirr, and Samsung TV+ Dockers and the Samsung one seems to run out of guide data quite often, but not often enough that I could figure out a pattern. I saw your note above that the Samsung Docker just basically makes a copy of, so just figured whatever they were doing was falling behind, yet it always fixed when I did a manual pull.

Thanks for making me a little less insane today!

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Testing the new release from Github :wink: Hopefully PASSes are working now ...

pulled that update now all i get is a welcome screen:

Welcome to nginx!

If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

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Thank you for using nginx.


I just tried and it all worked - Weird ... Maybe redo from scratch