Not seeing thumbnails

I just setup Channels DVR. I have a Windows Server and am using Insignia Fire TV for one TV and a Fire TV box on another. I downloaded the Fire TV Channels app and it is able to show live TV and record shows. But when I Fast Forward or rewind in live or recorded shows, I don't see any thumbnails of where I'm at in the show. I thought I was supposed to be able to see thumbnails when I do that.

What am I missing?

Do you see a timeline with minutes watched vs minutes remaining? Thats basically what you get.
To add to this, it really isnt necessary as when you scrub the video shows exactly where you are at that moment on the screen

I just got an upgraded Fire TV. Now I see the small pictures when I FF/REW on fully recorded shows, but on Live shows (including shows that are still in the process of recording, but I started watching the recording before the live show ended), I only see the minutes watched/remaining.

That must be a special upgraded Fire TV. I have been using FireTV for 3 years and I have never seen any small pictures in the Channels DVR app on the time line anytime. Tablo used to make them after it completed a recording and Hulu and many other services display them on recordings.

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