current version of chrome is 115.0.5790.171
Yes, but like the Synology package it's something the devs need to update
Or he can migrate the install to a Docker Container which works and is currently maxed out at headless-chrome v109
Why is that? Cant u update it manualy somehow? Or are those images read only? Arnt they linux based? Those have a cli you can use to install things.
Certain packages and the docker container images use the built-in headless chrome which the devs have to update (I think the RPi was the same). I have never seen a comprehensive list of what installs use Channels built-in vs. what installs rely on the native OS having chrome available for use by Channels, I just know it's a fact. It's not even mentioned if you look at the install instructions except for Linux / FreeBSD
It's simple: if you are using the containers (Docker/Podman/etc.), then the Chrome is as provided by Fancy Bits/Channels. (That's the whole point of a container: it is wholly contained and separate from your host OS; the only thing it knows about your host system are the limited directories you give it access to.) If you are installing the DVR directly onto your system—bare metal—then you are expected to provide Chrome/Chromium.
(The installation on NAS is more closely aligned with a container installation; mostly because users don't really have access to install additional arbitrary software in the NAS, as well as the NAS treating "applications" essentially as containers, but with slightly more privileges.)
You should do this again since you're now running the latest pre-release version (make sure you update to the latest before submitting them)
Makes sense. I realize their documentation needs updated all over the place, not just install instructions.
It's not really about the instructions being vague, it's that people are trying to do things without understanding what they are doing. (It seems lately that 1/3 of the forum posts are about containers and playlists, and the back-and-forth that shouldn't happen if people understood the technologies before trying to use them for themselves and instead are relying upon out-dated copypasta.)
I understand what you're saying, and I agree 100% about those that don't want to research/learn and just want to copy/paste things.
But you can't expect a new (or not new) Channels DVR user to know they need to have Chrome installed on their Windows PC to use a TVE source when they try adding one to Channels DVR. Why is it only mentioned in the Linux / FreeBSD install instructions (you'd think those users are more advanced and should just know that because they understand how Channels DVR TVE works after reading the docs ;-). And that a NAS user installing per instructions doesn't realize the built-in chrome (they didn't even know was there) is outdated causing an auth issue.
You're right; the official documentation should include wording that Chrome/Chromium is needed for TVE support.
Updates should not only include newer versions of FFmpeg, but also all bundled applications (Chromium and Comskip included), regardless of platform.
Unfortunately, the exhaustion of knowledgeable users dealing with needless questions from those "punching above their weight class" is making the usefulness of the forum less than it could be.
Its not a useless or annoying post to say, you need to update your Chrome in order to use TVE. The Troubleshooting pages even say to update Chrome, or that it is out of date.
The TVE Troubleshooting steps say to update Chrome.
What is not clear in the documentations, is that users of Synology, and Docker, are locked down to that ecosystem and its limitations. Most end users that buy a Synology NAS, do not know the complex inner workings and design of how OS and ecosystem works, compared to others, or a standard Linux distro. They just use it at face GUI level. AND, Channels DVR website says it will work with their device and expect it to.
Docker, can get more complex, but Docker for desktop software is pretty easy, and has been, at least for me, few clicks, or couple lines of code to install and run a container. But what i use, i can edit and change things in it, but that single container and use case, is the expanse of my use of the ecosystem.
If the devs have to update these containers/images/packages, then ok. Fine. But, until then, seems Synology users are SOL. I guess that is a big negative to using those platforms.
I would think it would be quite trivial a thing for them to make the update, and push it out....but maybe they have not had the time, or have some other issues.
or not enough users are reporting the issues.
I'm an exception, as I try to find workarounds if the devs are silent. In this case by switching from the Synology Package to the docker container. I've switched between them before due to what I believe is the included chrome being too old. I know other users have just migrated to another platform or another Provider.
Just did a quick test since I haven't used the Synology Package for about 7 months.
Stopped my Channels docker container running on the same port (8089).
Installed and updated the Channels DVR Synology Package to the latest pre-release.
Did the update chrome trick by adding Dish as a Provider with fake credentials and holding the [Sign In] button.
Ran DVR Troubleshooting.
It downloaded chrome v97 and Troubleshooting doesn't say it's out of date.
2023/08/14 21:27:45.441952 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2023.08.15.0007 (linux-x86_64 pid:25213) in /var/packages/ChannelsDVR/target/channels-dvr/data
2023/08/14 21:27:45.452415 [SYS] Started HTTP Server on 8089
2023/08/14 21:27:45.928917 [HDR] Found 1 devices
2023/08/14 21:27:46.400899 [DVR] Recording engine started in /volume1/chDVRsynotest
2023/08/14 21:27:46.414352 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20230815.042746
2023/08/14 21:28:33.235400 [TVE] Auth starting for Dish as DiShUsEr
2023/08/14 21:28:33.236775 url=
2023/08/14 21:28:34.462589 registry.manifest.get url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell reference=97.0.4692.56
2023/08/14 21:28:35.888835 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:ffbb094f4f9e7c61d97c2b409f3e8154e2621a5074a0087d35f1849e665d0d34
2023/08/14 21:28:38.442253 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:9b14f784f92a19552c6301741f4299a599c5ddd79c4d2343f449baabc840079b
2023/08/14 21:28:39.663653 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:a315ff4312e7298a86768350b0385281a5532eb1f8497f4680de8e3189a07894
2023/08/14 21:28:45.279876 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:8a83912a086faffe21f33bc6cb5a881bcb61ff7a23d0b8bfa9198fe9ddb54dd9
2023/08/14 21:28:47.223217 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Dish requestor=nbcentertainment
2023/08/14 21:28:47.473619 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/97.0.4692.56 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@04da6c66398ca50e603cc236a07dc7dfd3bbc750
2023/08/14 21:28:47.488268 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2023/08/14 21:28:47.494176 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/08/14 21:28:47.724135 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2023/08/14 21:28:47.782152 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2023/08/14 21:28:47.782212 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2023/08/14 21:28:48.584748 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/08/14 21:28:49.330019 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/08/14 21:28:49.463739 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/08/14 21:28:55.656583 [TVE] action=page_ready
2023/08/14 21:28:55.656662 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2023/08/14 21:28:55.656686 [TVE] action=fill_form u=DiShUsEr
2023/08/14 21:28:55.679322 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=12s
2023/08/14 21:28:55.768168 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2023/08/14 21:29:02.570506 [TVE] action=page_ready
2023/08/14 21:29:07.679864 [TVE] action=auth_timed_out
2023/08/14 21:29:07.679946 [TVE] action=screenshot
2023/08/14 21:29:07.793139 [TVE] action=screenshot size=36663
2023/08/14 21:29:07.793495 [TVE] action=capture_html
2023/08/14 21:29:07.797154 [TVE] action=capture_html size=9214
2023/08/14 21:29:07.829612 [TVE] Auth failed for Dish: Cable provider authentication failed
2023/08/14 21:33:08.309149 [TRS] DNS: WARNING: Using public DNS resolver from "Cloudflare, Inc." can cause problems with TV Everywhere
2023/08/14 21:33:08.548046 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to
2023/08/14 21:33:08.650211 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2023/08/14 21:33:08.650377 [TRS] TV Everywhere: OK
2023/08/14 21:33:08.696038 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved, 2607:f8b0:4005:812::2002
2023/08/14 21:33:08.720116 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved, 2607:f8b0:4005:80f::2002
2023/08/14 21:33:08.758330 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved, 2600:1404:5400:2a3::1e80, 2600:1404:5400:293::1e80, 2600:1404:5400:2a7::1e80, 2600:1404:5400:28a::1e80, 2600:1404:5400:2b8::1e80
2023/08/14 21:33:08.781100 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved,,, 2600:1f14:cc6:ea04:8c7c:2782:60ba:9b0f, 2600:1f14:cc6:ea06:1e2c:52ff:b0f2:9cd9, 2600:1f14:cc6:ea05:a274:ae9b:2bc5:b34b
2023/08/14 21:33:08.807593 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved,, 2620:1ec:c11::200
2023/08/14 21:33:08.831719 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved, 2607:f8b0:4005:810::2002
2023/08/14 21:33:08.878687 [TRS] ad-dns: Resolved,,,
2023/08/14 21:33:08.878761 [TRS] TV Everywhere DNS: OK: Resolved TVE authenticator via system DNS
2023/08/14 21:33:09.510320 [TRS] Guide Provider: OK: Connected to guide provider
2023/08/14 21:33:09.510449 [TRS] Remote Access: OK: Remote access not configured
2023/08/14 21:33:09.536808 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
Interesting. The update check must not be checking Google for the real up to date version of Chrome then.
It checking where CHannels devs uploads their package to or something. Cause they have old version, it it status up to date.
They could automate their pull and build, and push package process. So that those things stay up to date.
The instructions are no longer valid, for QNAP 5.0* . Trust me I ran the step by step. Specifically the host and volumes.
I would love to write a knowledge article for how to create a fancybit docker image on QNAP. Anyone, what to to walk through on a zoom call? I have three NAS, one is just waiting to build a container station docker for Channels DVR/TVE
I have had great support from the developers over the years and the Channels DVR has been a great solution from my household. With this latest issue of Discovery/WBD channels are missing, I'm being pressured by the misses to seek a new solution. So if there is anyway, I can get help with creating a Docker Station on the QNAP or a solutions for TVE is embedded, I would be so grateful. I would be even willing to pay commision for the assistance.
Just throw on a slim Linux distro on a spare pc, or mini pc, and install Channels DVR server on that, as on those platform, you can update chrome. Even a Windows PC will work. as long as it is always on, even if just for temporary use.
Have you submitted diagnostics again after updating to the latest pre-release?
If one of those three NAS are a Synology, it's dead simple to install the TVE docker on it.
I'm not familiar with QNAP, so can't help there. My suggestion is to create a new Topic asking for help doing what you ask on a QNAP.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not an employee of or consultant to Fancy Bits, LLC (nor do I play one on TV). I'm just another paying Channels DVR customer, like you.
FYI, I run on similar Qnap:
linux qts
5.1.0 (20230629) (kernel: 5.10.60-qnap)
And it is running same Chrome 97
Yet it works fine for TVE (including 6101-6114) from both Philo and Hulu accounts.
So it might not be the Chrome version (in my case at least, it still works after several years like this).