Nvidia Shield on WIFI is freezing with Live TV

Ok, I've signed up and will record BBC News HD for a couple of hours shortly and then test playback a little later.

Watch this space!

Nope, no cylinder here. I don’t think you can win with any box these days: Apple doesn’t do universal search for Netflix in the uk or Plex anywhere. Shield doesn’t do universal for amazon. And the fire tv doesn’t play back rips via Plex well.

I had issues with shield too. Switched to Apple TV and virtually issue free since then. The Apple TV on wifi is still better than shield wired.

Another thing I noticed is when the shield froze it was never coming back. You had to exit to guide and restart the stream. On the rare occasion the Apple TV freezes clicking the remote restarts the strem.

This issue has nothing to do with wired vs wi-fi, a lot of people have jumped to that conclusion. The problem seems related to memory handling on the 2019 cylinder shield only, due to its lower 2GB memory size. I don't do Apple, the products are good but I don't like the people who run the company, Schiller especially. He seems to think no one can succeed in this world without buying an Apple product, they are just obnoxious.

On my 2019 Shield I watched a Blu-ray on Plex last night for couple of hours averaging 35Mbps, played sweet as a icing on a cake. The shield WiFi connects on 5ghz AC so complete overkill for my Live TV requirements, TX rate is above 320Mbps.

I'll have some time later to properly test the DVR playback. As a spoiler It has hung for me in the week but I've not had time to submit or capture my own logs to confirm exact same issue.

Hi Aman, The results are in, same sort of out of memory error on playback from DVR, snippet below. I've placed the log file android-debug-hardware-dvr.log in the same directory as the others on my shared Google Drive folder. I also clicked submit log option via the channels app too.

01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8043 W mpv : [lavf] error reading packet: Out of memory.
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: Failed to execute task.
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore:

01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.regex.Pattern.compileImpl(Native Method)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Pattern.java:1344)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.regex.Pattern.(Pattern.java:1328)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Pattern.java:950)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.lang.String.replaceAll(String.java:2286)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at com.crashlytics.android.core.QueueFileLogStore.doWriteToLog(QueueFileLogStore.java:5)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at com.crashlytics.android.core.QueueFileLogStore.writeToLog(QueueFileLogStore.java:2)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at com.crashlytics.android.core.LogFileManager.writeToLog(LogFileManager.java:1)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsController$8.call(CrashlyticsController.java:3)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsController$8.call(CrashlyticsController.java:1)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsBackgroundWorker$2.call(CrashlyticsBackgroundWorker.java:1)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at io.fabric.sdk.android.m.b.o$a$a.onRun(ExecutorUtils.java:1)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at io.fabric.sdk.android.m.b.h.run(BackgroundPriorityRunnable.java:2)
01-25 13:52:50.098 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
01-25 13:52:50.104 7963 8043 W mpv : [lavf] error reading packet: Out of memory.
01-25 13:52:50.105 7963 8043 W mpv : [lavf] error reading packet: Out of memory.
01-25 13:52:50.105 7963 8004 E CrashlyticsCore: Failed to execute task.

Any other testing you need me to do?

I have repeatedly reported this issue. Doesn't matter if you are on WiFi or hardwired ethernet, My Shield 2017 based Channels DVR app skips / freezes so badly it has become unwatchable. I have gone back to using KODI PVR addon to view (I.e. the 'unoffical' one that doesn't record) - https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:HDHomeRun_PVR


Have you managed to fix it? I have the same issue as you on the same hardware but I am in France and not sure if the streams are identical from a tech. POV.


Please try the latest android beta from getchannels.com/beta

We've uploaded another beta with more improvements for this device.